Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread Masks Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Malia Jones & Jennifer Beam Dowd will be tackling more pandemic questions from our readers. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! We are *very* excited to announce that we have live closed captioning and #ASL interpretation available during the Read more…
January 20, 2021
Does in-person schooling contribute to COVID-19 spread?
Infection and Spread School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated. TL;DR: Two new well-designed studies find evidence that in-person schooling *does not* contribute to COVID spread when baseline community spread is LOW, but that in-person schooling *does* contribute to worsening COVID metrics when baseline COVID transmission is high. Thus far the research on schools and COVID-19 has been quite muddy, but two Read more…
January 16, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Alison Buttenheim will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. Today’s we’re answering questions from readers about 2nd vaccine doses, kids and COVID, and the range of vaccine hesitancy. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! ➡️ Welcome and Announcements! Please Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 7, 2021
Are usual precautions effective against new strain of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Malia Jones & Jennifer Beam Dowd will be tackling more pandemic questions from our readers. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! We are *very* excited to announce that we have live closed captioning and #ASL interpretation available during the Read more…
Does in-person schooling contribute to COVID-19 spread?
Infection and Spread School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated. TL;DR: Two new well-designed studies find evidence that in-person schooling *does not* contribute to COVID spread when baseline community spread is LOW, but that in-person schooling *does* contribute to worsening COVID metrics when baseline COVID transmission is high. Thus far the research on schools and COVID-19 has been quite muddy, but two Read more…
January 16, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Alison Buttenheim will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. Today’s we’re answering questions from readers about 2nd vaccine doses, kids and COVID, and the range of vaccine hesitancy. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! ➡️ Welcome and Announcements! Please Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 7, 2021
Are usual precautions effective against new strain of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: It’s complicated. TL;DR: Two new well-designed studies find evidence that in-person schooling *does not* contribute to COVID spread when baseline community spread is LOW, but that in-person schooling *does* contribute to worsening COVID metrics when baseline COVID transmission is high. Thus far the research on schools and COVID-19 has been quite muddy, but two Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Alison Buttenheim will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. Today’s we’re answering questions from readers about 2nd vaccine doses, kids and COVID, and the range of vaccine hesitancy. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! ➡️ Welcome and Announcements! Please Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 7, 2021
Are usual precautions effective against new strain of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Alison Buttenheim will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. Today’s we’re answering questions from readers about 2nd vaccine doses, kids and COVID, and the range of vaccine hesitancy. If you have a question, put it in our question box at! ➡️ Welcome and Announcements! Please Read more…
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 7, 2021
Are usual precautions effective against new strain of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
Are usual precautions effective against new strain of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
Q: The new coronavirus strain is more transmissible than the older strain. Does this mean our usual precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) are less effective? A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions. The new variant is transmitted the Read more…
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
January 4, 2021
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
I’m reading that the new strain of COVID-19 is 70% more transmissible. What does this mean? How transmissible was the first strain?
Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: “Transmissibility” in infectious disease means how readily it is passed from one person to another, given the peculiarities of a specific time and place (in this case, in the UK this Fall). Transmissibility is measured in numbers with something called R-value. The R-value for the old SARS-CoV-2 variant was hovering right around 1 (in Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 21, 2020
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
Does someone who has been vaccinated still need to wear a mask and take other precautions?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
December 15, 2020
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: Yes. We don’t yet know whether the vaccines prevent someone from being infectious. The existing COVID-19 vaccine trials focused on a specific endpoint – symptomatic COVID-19 disease. We know that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were close to 95% efficacious in preventing disease (YAY!!). But wouldn’t we expect the vaccine to also stop Read more…
What did we learn from the recent study of COVID-19 transmission in a Korean restaurant?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
December 9, 2020
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: Indoor dining can be risky, even for a short duration & distance beyond 6 feet/2 meters. #StopSwappingAir In a recent study from South Korea, a high school student was infected in a 5-minute window of time and sitting 20 feet away from the “index” case. How do they know this with such precision? While Read more…
How can I minimize COVID-19 transmission when riding a car?
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
December 7, 2020
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: Open up those windows, mask up, and keep the duration short. Physicists from UMass Amherst recently used simulations of airflow patterns within car interiors to study the best way to minimize transmission risk during ride-share style car rides. The car geometry was based on a Toyota Prius traveling 50 mph. Key results: ➡️ Opening Read more…
Why can’t I ditch the masks and distancing if I already recovered from Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
December 4, 2020
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
A: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
December 3, 2020
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: Recovering from Covid-19 provides some immunity, but the strength and length of time you keep that immunity are not consistent from person to person. Think of your Covid-19 immunity as an unlabeled bottle of sunscreen. The level of protection provided is hard to predict. Sunscreen is designed to reduce the amount of UVA and Read more…
Is there really a risk of COVID-19 transmission at the gym?
Infection and Spread Staying SafeA: Unfortunately, yes. While we appreciate the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health, there HAVE been documented instances of COVID-19 spread in gyms and fitness studios, and they are home to one of the conditions that makes transmission easier: a lot of shared indoor air. In the infographic below from Fraser Health Read more…
How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
December 2, 2020
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…
Can you address divorced families navigating the transition between two homes safely this winter?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…
A: The CDC defines a “household” as one or more individuals living together in a single dwelling unit and sharing common living areas, and cross-lists this definition with their definition for “family.” But for all those divorced, separated and blended families sharing custody of children, we know it isn’t that simple. Fewer than half of Read more…