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Infection and Spread

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Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos

Drs. Lindsey Leininger and Malia Jones take your thorny COVID questions in this Live Q&A! If you have a question, submit it at our website! www.dearpandemic.org. This week we discuss: ➡️ Intro…with TV show rec’s! (0:00 – 3:00) Related link ➡️ The latest on quarantine timelines (3:35 – 8:40) Related link ➡️ Handling conspiracy theories Read more…

How do COVID-19 and the flu compare?

Infection and Spread

A: They are VERY different. In short – COVID-19 is more deadly, more people are susceptible to it, we have fewer treatments, and even “mild” bouts can leave long-term symptoms. To address the elephant in the room: **COVID-19 is MUCH deadlier than the flu.** In fact, since December 2019, COVID-19 has killed more people in Read more…

I like hearing about pandemic response success stories. Can you share another one?

Data and Metrics Infection and Spread

A: We can! On this Thanksgiving evening, we want to share the impressive and successful public health response of the Cherokee Nation. Their recipe: strong leadership, early decisive action, data-driven decisions, widespread testing, and a mask mandate. Compared to surrounding areas of Oklahoma State, the Cherokee Nation has experienced much lower case and mortality rates. Read more…

Can SARS-CoV-2 infection be passed to babies in breastmilk?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Treatments

A: There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infection can pass to babies via breastmilk with NEW findings to suggest breastmilk in mothers who have had Covid-19 contains specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Insert tiny happy dance here. A recent study of breastmilk in 15 women who had recovered from Covid-19 found specific antibodies to the virus in Read more…

If I already recovered from Covid-19 infection, can I be sure I won’t get it again or pass it to others?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread

A: No. Evidence on the longevity and strength of the immune system response to SARS-CoV-2 remains inconclusive. Previous infection does not give you an “immunity passport”. All individuals should continue to follow SMART precautions, particularly during the holiday season. Here is what we know to date. Antibody testing alone is an insufficient measure of immunity. Read more…

I love going for long walks with my dog. But, I heard that my dog can give me COVID-19! Is this true?

Infection and Spread Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Possible, but not likely (and remember, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus, COVID-19 is the disease in humans). So put on your mask, grab your hand sanitizer, and … keep walking your dog! Here’s the longer version. Over the past week, several news outlets have claimed that people who walk dogs are more likely to have Read more…

Massachusetts has just instituted 9:30pm curfews. What is the rationale for this restriction?

Infection and Spread Socializing

Q: Massachusetts has just instituted 9:30pm curfews. What is the rationale for this restriction? Does closing restaurants and bars early really help curb the spread of COVID-19? A: There is a strong basis for targeting the hospitality industry for COVID-related restrictions. But if curfews are applied in isolation, they are unlikely to do much good. Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Vaccines Videos

Drs. Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger tackle your thorny COVID questions in this week’s Facebook Live event! Submit your questions in advance at www.dearpandemic.org. Today we tackle: ➡️ Happy Saturday greetings (0:00 – 1:59) ➡️ Pfizer vaccine news – yay hope! (2:00 – 6:50) ➡️ What settings seed viral spread? (6:54 – 15:59) ➡️ Pandemic Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Biology/Immunity Data and Metrics Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe Videos

Drs. Lindsey Leininger & Malia Jones tackle your COVID questions, including what’s up with curfews, immunity passes, and declining death rates. ➡️ Intro and website info (:00 – 3:59) ➡️ Lightning round (4:00 – 9:39) ➡️ Immunity: personal + herd (9:40 – 17:55) ➡️ Curfews to curb spread? (18:30 – 25:15) ➡️ Cases up, death Read more…

I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…

If someone in my household has COVID-19, what are the chances I get it, too?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread

A: About 50% (with all the usual caveats about averages and estimates). Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among household members is common, from both children and adults. Prompt isolation of cases is crucial, and all household members should wear masks in shared household spaces. While we all worry a lot about exposure to COVID-19 at large events, Read more…