Country update: India
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
India has been in the headlines over the past weeks for soaring case numbers, rising deaths, and a severely strained health system. What is happening, and how can other countries help? Let’s start with the numbers: For the past 4 days, India has recorded over 300,000 new cases *per day*, by far the highest number Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 20, 2021
What is the chance of a “breakthrough” infection after vaccination?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Quite low, but not zero. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released data on reported breakthrough cases—meaning a positive SARS-CoV-2 test more than 2 weeks after FULL vaccination. TL;DR: ➡️ 5,814 cases were reported out of over 75 MILLION people who were fully vaccinated by this time. ➡️ 396 people Read more…
April 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’ll be talking with the operators of two other #SciComm pages, Unambiguous Science and ScienceWhizLiz. We’ll talk about the J&J vaccine pause, fleas, Canadian geese, kids and COVID, long COVID, and creative vaccine strategies. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-3:40) ➡️ Can flea bites transmit COVID-19? (3:40-5:26) ➡️ Blood clotting Read more…
April 17, 2021
I thought that Peru was one of the first countries to go into lockdown. What is the situation there now?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
April 15, 2021
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
India has been in the headlines over the past weeks for soaring case numbers, rising deaths, and a severely strained health system. What is happening, and how can other countries help? Let’s start with the numbers: For the past 4 days, India has recorded over 300,000 new cases *per day*, by far the highest number Read more…
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 20, 2021
What is the chance of a “breakthrough” infection after vaccination?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Quite low, but not zero. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released data on reported breakthrough cases—meaning a positive SARS-CoV-2 test more than 2 weeks after FULL vaccination. TL;DR: ➡️ 5,814 cases were reported out of over 75 MILLION people who were fully vaccinated by this time. ➡️ 396 people Read more…
April 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’ll be talking with the operators of two other #SciComm pages, Unambiguous Science and ScienceWhizLiz. We’ll talk about the J&J vaccine pause, fleas, Canadian geese, kids and COVID, long COVID, and creative vaccine strategies. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-3:40) ➡️ Can flea bites transmit COVID-19? (3:40-5:26) ➡️ Blood clotting Read more…
April 17, 2021
I thought that Peru was one of the first countries to go into lockdown. What is the situation there now?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
April 15, 2021
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
What is the chance of a “breakthrough” infection after vaccination?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Quite low, but not zero. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released data on reported breakthrough cases—meaning a positive SARS-CoV-2 test more than 2 weeks after FULL vaccination. TL;DR: ➡️ 5,814 cases were reported out of over 75 MILLION people who were fully vaccinated by this time. ➡️ 396 people Read more…
April 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’ll be talking with the operators of two other #SciComm pages, Unambiguous Science and ScienceWhizLiz. We’ll talk about the J&J vaccine pause, fleas, Canadian geese, kids and COVID, long COVID, and creative vaccine strategies. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-3:40) ➡️ Can flea bites transmit COVID-19? (3:40-5:26) ➡️ Blood clotting Read more…
April 17, 2021
I thought that Peru was one of the first countries to go into lockdown. What is the situation there now?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
April 15, 2021
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: Quite low, but not zero. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released data on reported breakthrough cases—meaning a positive SARS-CoV-2 test more than 2 weeks after FULL vaccination. TL;DR: ➡️ 5,814 cases were reported out of over 75 MILLION people who were fully vaccinated by this time. ➡️ 396 people Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’ll be talking with the operators of two other #SciComm pages, Unambiguous Science and ScienceWhizLiz. We’ll talk about the J&J vaccine pause, fleas, Canadian geese, kids and COVID, long COVID, and creative vaccine strategies. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-3:40) ➡️ Can flea bites transmit COVID-19? (3:40-5:26) ➡️ Blood clotting Read more…
April 17, 2021
I thought that Peru was one of the first countries to go into lockdown. What is the situation there now?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
April 15, 2021
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
In this live Q&A, we’ll be talking with the operators of two other #SciComm pages, Unambiguous Science and ScienceWhizLiz. We’ll talk about the J&J vaccine pause, fleas, Canadian geese, kids and COVID, long COVID, and creative vaccine strategies. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-3:40) ➡️ Can flea bites transmit COVID-19? (3:40-5:26) ➡️ Blood clotting Read more…
I thought that Peru was one of the first countries to go into lockdown. What is the situation there now?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
April 15, 2021
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: Peru has one of the highest excess death rates in the world and more than 47,000 people in Peru have died from COVID-19 as of March 2021 with excess deaths at nearly 2,600 per million (from a population of 32 million). How did this happen? TL; DR: Controlling COVID-19 requires many public health measures Read more…
Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
April 12, 2021
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of a world where transmission was explicitly tested in the clinical trials (call us next time☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good Read more…
Do I still have to wear a mask outside?
Infection and Spread Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
April 11, 2021
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: It depends. Remember that outside is much safer, but it’s not magic! ☀️ We’re all anxious to get outdoors as the weather improves. Shedding our masks along with our long pants is SO tempting. Because SARS-CoV-2 is most often spread through “swapping air” with others, ventilation is a key factor in transmission. 💨Outdoor air Read more…
If we have never achieved herd immunity with the flu, the common cold and many other diseases, what makes it possible to reach herd immunity with COVID-19?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
April 10, 2021
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: Some diseases are more elusive than others when it comes to herd immunity, and your two examples are among the elusive ones. In order to be a candidate for herd immunity, we need a disease caused by one specific virus. The virus has to be easily recognized by the immune system; it can’t mutate Read more…
What is happening with a second wave of COVID-19 in Brazil?
Infection and Spread
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: A lot and it is not good. Brazil is second to the U.S. in terms of new daily cases and total deaths, but has a much smaller population. Brazil is now considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. 👩⚕️ Over the past few days, Brazil has surpassed nearly 4,000 COVID-19 related deaths per Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
March 23, 2021
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
What is the right distance for spacing students in classrooms?
Infection and Spread School
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
March 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: There is no magic distance, at 3 feet or 6 feet, that the coronavirus, or any virus for that matter, respects. A recent study has generated lots of buzz with its conclusion that 3 feet of physical distance is just as good as 6 feet of space between students (link below). But the study’s Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
March 3, 2021
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
In this live Q&A, Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Lauren Hale will be tackling questions about vaccines, takeout food, daylight savings time, and the ways in which kids are (and are not) like vaccinated grandmas. ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:55) Related Link to Data Hero Awards ➡️ Sleep and the effects of Daylight Saving Time on Read more…
What are the rules for family get-togethers with vaccinated adults and unvaccinated kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
March 2, 2021
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: We offer a few guiding principles. Severe complications of COVID-19 infection are significantly decreased among the vaccinated but infection risk is not zero. Unvaccinated people remain at risk of infection +/- complications. Determine what is important. Maintain as many risk mitigation strategies as realistic. This is not over yet. ☠️ Vaccination greatly decreases the Read more…
Can I go back to my indoor fitness classes?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
February 23, 2021
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: The Nerdy Girls LOVE your efforts to stay fit, but best to hang on to those online or outdoor workouts a bit longer. TL;DR: Heavy breathing, no masks, and indoors is the perfect recipe for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A recent U.S. CDC report described an outbreak linked to an unnamed fitness facility in Chicago in Read more…
Any news yet about whether vaccines prevent asymptomatic infection?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
February 19, 2021
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
A: YES! We are getting a steady trail of clues hinting that the vaccines DO IN FACT REDUCE INFECTIONS! This is magnificent news, and badly needed as we pass half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and many hundreds of thousands more worldwide. We can celebrate it as a real milestone in the Read more…
Any advice on pandemic dating?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
February 18, 2021
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
“I’m single and in my late 30s … Pandemic dating is so hard… What is safe protocol for dating when you are in that “multiple first date” space because you haven’t found someone you want to go on multiple dates with yet?” Dating is hard in the best of times! Once you factor in a Read more…
What accounts for the recent drop in COVID-19 cases in the US?
Data and Metrics Infection and Spread
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
February 13, 2021
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
Q: It looks like Covid-19 infection rates have dropped significantly in the US since the vaccine became available. Is the vaccine already having an impact? What else would account for the drop?” A: Of all the possible explanations — vaccination, immunity from prior infection, behavior change, seasonality, and less testing — the best answer seems to Read more…
Why don’t we know whether vaccinated people can still spread the virus?
Infection and Spread Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…
Q: What is holding us back from knowing whether those who have been vaccinated can still be carriers of the virus and spread it to others? A: COVID-19 vaccine trials were designed to measure how well they protect people from developing moderate to severe disease, not how well they prevent spread of the virus to Read more…