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General Health

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I am overdue for preventive screenings – is it safe to have these appointments now?

General Health

As the pandemic drags on, many people are behind on tests health care providers routinely recommend for cancer screening. It is safe and appropriate to resume testing, if you haven’t already. “I skipped my mammogram last year, I have been putting it off until the pandemic ends.” “My doctor recommended a colonoscopy, but I’m afraid Read more…

Healthy Diet & Exercise vs. COVID Vaccination? Try both!

General Health Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

We’re hearing so many people repeat this line: “just eat well and exercise, that’s the best prevention for COVID-19!” Is this true? Healthy diet and exercise *are* good for your health! Unfortunately, they do not really prevent COVID. The best prevention for COVID-19 is to be vaccinated. If you do get COVID, being vaccinated is Read more…

If I have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, should I sleep in a different room from my spouse?

General Health Infection and Spread

A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more hours Read more…

Can sleep boost my immune function?

Biology/Immunity General Health

A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…

Update on RSV Infections

Families/Kids General Health

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…

What is burnout?

General Health

The Mayo Clinic says that “burnout is a state of physical or emotional exhaustion also involving a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.” Symptoms include cynicism, trouble getting started, impatience, lack of productivity, difficulty concentrating, and lack of satisfaction with achievements. Burnout can also affect our physical health. It can lead to Read more…