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How to have a SMART Halloween

Families/Kids Staying Safe

S. Space: keep your distance from other people. M. Mask: wear a mask! A. Air: take the fun outdoors. R. Restrict: Avoid crowds (especially indoor crowds)! Don’t expand your COVID bubble on Halloween. T. Time: Keep your interactions short & sweet. We have updated our SMART graphic for the holiday. Feel free to pass this Read more…

Are you concerned about your kids spending too much time on screens?

Families/Kids Mental Health School

Dear Pandemic is thrilled to introduce this week’s Nerdy Guest, Dr. Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra. She is President and founder of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development. Using her medical degree, non-profit experience, philanthropic resources, and a long-standing interest in media and children, Dr. Hurst-Della Pietra has become one of the field’s Read more…

Can children spread COVID-19 in child care facilities (children 5 and under)?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

From our follower Question Box!! A: Yes, while we know that children are less likely to experience severe illness due to COVID-19, increasing evidence tells us that children can spread (transmit) the virus. But, it is not clear if they are more likely to do so than adults or if likelihood of transmission varies by Read more…

COVID19 and Pregnancy

Families/Kids Staying Safe

Today we share an update from Your local epidemiologist on what we know about COVID19 and pregnancy. Here’s the TL;DR: “Severe illness and adverse birth outcomes were observed among pregnant women with COVID19. Pregnant women should especially be careful during this time: avoid close contact with persons with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, maintain 6 feet Read more…

It’s the first day of virtual school and I’m already losing my mind. How am I going to survive this?

Families/Kids Mental Health School

A: Parents, we see you. Parenting in a pandemic is hard. It’s really, really hard. Many parents are being tasked with managing virtual learning, often involving age-inappropriate expectations for our young children to spend hours (and hours) seated/on Zoom calls. All around us, parents–especially moms–are taking leaves of absence from their careers in order to Read more…

How can I support my elderly family member as the pandemic continues?

Families/Kids Mental Health

A: Continue to ask your family member what his/her/their wishes are and how you can support; continue to engage socially through virtual means; encourage hobbies/activities/interests; and provide support to caregivers. We just love this cartoon that helps depict this. Full view as well as a printable guide available here. Stay safe. Stay sane. And let’s Read more…

Other than social distancing, wearing masks, staying outside, and washing hands, what else can we do to stay safe?

Families/Kids Masks Socializing Staying Safe

Q:  Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…

What should I be considering when it comes to deciding on participation in team sports for my kids this Fall?

Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe

A: Great question from a follower! We recommend keeping in mind three main things when considering the safety of a team sport: Space, Sharing and Stability! Space -To what extent is physical closeness a requirement of team play? -Can players socially distance when not in the field of play? -Can spectators socially distance? -Can team Read more…