November 1, 2022
What is this “RSV” I’ve been hearing about?
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold. But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold. But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…