Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…