¿Qué debo hacer si no puedo hacerme la prueba de COVID-19 pero tengo síntomas?
Posts en Español Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mantén la calma y aíslase. Dile a alguien si no se siente bien y está solo. Sigue vigilando sus síntomas y llame al médico si sus síntomas empeoran. Busque la atención médica si no puede cuidarse en casa. 🧪 Por el momento, las pruebas de COVID-19 son difíciles de conseguir en muchos sitios. Si desarrolla Read more…
March 30, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls: Dr. Kristen Panthagani
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Do you love our recent series on logical fallacies as much as I do? Well then, get excited because you’re about to meet the woman who writes them! Dr. Panthagani is our only contributor who has both an M.D. and a Ph.D., which she earned from Baylor College of Medicine’s Medical Scientist Training Program. Her Read more…
March 29, 2022
US FDA Approves Extra Booster For Adults 50+ and the Immunocompromised
Health Policy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
NEWS: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a “2nd booster” of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines for adults over age 50. Key points: A 4th dose is authorized for anyone 50 and over who received a booster of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine more than 4 months ago. An additional booster (a 5th dose) is Read more…
March 29, 2022
If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer? A: No. If an unvaccinated person gets a blood transfusion from a vaccinated donor, the unvaccinated person does not become vaccinated. That’s true for COVID-19 vaccines and all other vaccines, too. Not even if the blood donation happens right after Read more…
March 29, 2022
¿Qué significa estar inmunodeprimido?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
March 27, 2022
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Mantén la calma y aíslase. Dile a alguien si no se siente bien y está solo. Sigue vigilando sus síntomas y llame al médico si sus síntomas empeoran. Busque la atención médica si no puede cuidarse en casa. 🧪 Por el momento, las pruebas de COVID-19 son difíciles de conseguir en muchos sitios. Si desarrolla Read more…
Meet Those Nerdy Girls: Dr. Kristen Panthagani
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Do you love our recent series on logical fallacies as much as I do? Well then, get excited because you’re about to meet the woman who writes them! Dr. Panthagani is our only contributor who has both an M.D. and a Ph.D., which she earned from Baylor College of Medicine’s Medical Scientist Training Program. Her Read more…
March 29, 2022
US FDA Approves Extra Booster For Adults 50+ and the Immunocompromised
Health Policy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
NEWS: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a “2nd booster” of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines for adults over age 50. Key points: A 4th dose is authorized for anyone 50 and over who received a booster of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine more than 4 months ago. An additional booster (a 5th dose) is Read more…
March 29, 2022
If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer? A: No. If an unvaccinated person gets a blood transfusion from a vaccinated donor, the unvaccinated person does not become vaccinated. That’s true for COVID-19 vaccines and all other vaccines, too. Not even if the blood donation happens right after Read more…
March 29, 2022
¿Qué significa estar inmunodeprimido?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
March 27, 2022
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Do you love our recent series on logical fallacies as much as I do? Well then, get excited because you’re about to meet the woman who writes them! Dr. Panthagani is our only contributor who has both an M.D. and a Ph.D., which she earned from Baylor College of Medicine’s Medical Scientist Training Program. Her Read more…
US FDA Approves Extra Booster For Adults 50+ and the Immunocompromised
Health Policy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
NEWS: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a “2nd booster” of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines for adults over age 50. Key points: A 4th dose is authorized for anyone 50 and over who received a booster of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine more than 4 months ago. An additional booster (a 5th dose) is Read more…
March 29, 2022
If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer? A: No. If an unvaccinated person gets a blood transfusion from a vaccinated donor, the unvaccinated person does not become vaccinated. That’s true for COVID-19 vaccines and all other vaccines, too. Not even if the blood donation happens right after Read more…
March 29, 2022
¿Qué significa estar inmunodeprimido?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
March 27, 2022
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
NEWS: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a “2nd booster” of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines for adults over age 50. Key points: A 4th dose is authorized for anyone 50 and over who received a booster of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine more than 4 months ago. An additional booster (a 5th dose) is Read more…
If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer? A: No. If an unvaccinated person gets a blood transfusion from a vaccinated donor, the unvaccinated person does not become vaccinated. That’s true for COVID-19 vaccines and all other vaccines, too. Not even if the blood donation happens right after Read more…
March 29, 2022
¿Qué significa estar inmunodeprimido?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
March 27, 2022
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Q: If an unvaccinated person gets blood from a vaccinated person, will the vaccine transfer? A: No. If an unvaccinated person gets a blood transfusion from a vaccinated donor, the unvaccinated person does not become vaccinated. That’s true for COVID-19 vaccines and all other vaccines, too. Not even if the blood donation happens right after Read more…
¿Qué significa estar inmunodeprimido?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
March 27, 2022
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
➡️ En pocas palabras, si estás inmunodeprimido significa que tu sistema inmunitario no funciona con normalidad. No puede distinguir cuándo una célula es dañina o no, por lo que no realiza una respuesta inmune (es decir, no puede combatir una infección). Así que para estar inmunodeprimido, el sistema inmunológico de alguien: 1) 🦠 No detecta Read more…
En muchos países, la esperanza de vida se redujo considerablemente en 2020 debido al COVID-19.
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
March 25, 2022
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
¿Se recuperó la esperanza de vida en 2021, o las cosas empeoraron aún más? Una mezcla. Mientras que algunos países vieron mejoras, las pérdidas de esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos en 2021 fueron IGUAL DE MALAS que en 2020. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida vista en Read more…
What do you know about that COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
March 24, 2022
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Molnupiravir is an antiviral pill that can be used in the treatment of adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk of serious illness. It should be taken within 5 days of the first symptom and only when other antiviral treatments are not available. How does molnupiravir work? Get ready for Read more…
💔 Noticias desalentadoras: un nuevo estudio demuestra que el COVID-19 aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular durante al menos un año después de la infección.
Data and Metrics Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
March 24, 2022
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
DATOS Y MÉTRICAS SOBRE EL COVID DE LARGA DURACIÓN Un estudio reciente aplicado a veteranos de EE. UU. encontró que el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral y una larga lista de otros eventos cardiovasculares era más alto para aquellos individuos que se contagiaron con COVID-19 al compararlos durante el año anterior Read more…
Moderna will submit for approval of its kids’ vaccine
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
March 23, 2022
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
TL;DR: Moderna’s kids vaccine hit high marks for safety and antibody response, but efficacy against mild illness was not as high as earlier trials (likely due to Omicron). Moderna announced yesterday (via press release) that they will submit for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their vaccine for kids aged 6 months to < 6 years. Read more…
Meet Those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
March 23, 2022
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Today, we continue our little adventure in finding out just who *are* #ThoseNerdyGirls. We’re talking with Dr. Rachael Piltch-Loeb. Dr. Piltch-Loeb is a risk communications expert. When she’s not contributing to research efforts here at #DearPandemic, Dr. Piltch-Loeb is working on research projects as a research associate at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Read more…
Series on Logical Fallacies – The Post Hoc Fallacy
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
March 22, 2022
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
At Dear Pandemic, we want to dish out science facts AND equip our readers with tools to make sense of data and science themselves. This is the 5th post in an ongoing series by Dr. Kristen Panthagani of You Can Know Things, in which she dissects common logical fallacies that have led people astray during Read more…
Is blood in short supply? What can I do?
General Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
March 22, 2022
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
🩸 Yes, the Red Cross declared a national blood crisis in January 2022 during the peak omicron surge. The Red Cross started the first civilian blood donation program in the 1940s and provides almost half of all blood products in the U.S. So when they state there is a crisis, we can be pretty confident Read more…
Es posible que hayas visto muchas noticias sobre la vacuna del COVID-19 de Pfizer para niños de 5 a 11 años en los últimos días.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Un nuevo informe de Nueva York sugiere que la vacuna para estos niños no proporciona mucha protección contra la infección. Sin embargo, un estudio de los CDC muestra que las vacunas siguen proporcionando una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la infección grave. Sigue leyendo para aprender lo que sabemos, lo que no sabemos y Read more…
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
March 20, 2022
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
Cómo ser más amable contigo mismo/a
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 19, 2022
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Recuerden siempre hay que ser amables con uno mismo, es un buen camino para una buena salud mental. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Many of us are wondering….Should I really take off my mask?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
March 18, 2022
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
While we would LOVE to just tell you that it is absolutely safe or not, remember that there are no absolutes. Whether or not you should wear a mask is a decision about making you “safer” rather than absolutely safe. There are multiple ways to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 (#SMARTS) including keeping activities outdoors Read more…
Postcards from England – March 18, 2022
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
March 18, 2022
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Postcards from England…. here we go again?! Like many things in this pandemic, this feeling of déjà vu all over again is getting OLD. As an 🇺🇸American living in the 🇬🇧U.K., I’ve seen the pattern of cases here foreshadowing surges in the U.S. a few weeks later at least five different times now. That means Read more…
How can we equip the next generation of Nerdy Girls to stop the spread of misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Women in STEM
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
March 17, 2022
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
A: Start building their scientific literacy skills now! Below we share three super neat resources that can help kids (across a range of ages) learn about the scientific method, get introduced to careers in various scientific fields, and gain the skills needed to become savvy consumers (and sharers) of scientific information! *Zoey and Sassafras*- a Read more…
Meet those Nerdy Girls – Dr. Chana Davis
Women in STEM
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
March 17, 2022
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
Today we get to chat with Dr. Chana Davis in Vancouver, BC, who has a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the @University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in Genetics from @Stanford University. Dr. Davis says she was always drawn to genetics, and after completing her undergraduate degree, a Ph.D. seemed like the natural Read more…
¿Cómo puedo volver a hacer ejercicio regularmente después de una infección de COVID-19?
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…
No poder hacer ejercicio es uno de los síntomas de largo plazo más comunes después de tener COVID-19. Muchos científicos continúan investigando las causas de estos síntomas enfocándose en el sistema nervioso autónomo. Aquí daremos información sobre dos aspectos comunes sobre la incapacidad de realizar ejercicio después de tener COVID-19 y también estrategias para sostener Read more…