💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 29, 2022
Chlorine dioxide can’t prevent or cure COVID-19 (but it can cause liver failure).
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Taking chlorine dioxide (or its relatives, such as sodium hypochlorite) does not prevent or cure COVID-19. And it is dangerous. Chlorine dioxide can cause acute kidney and liver failure, intestinal perforations with sepsis, vomiting & diarrhea, anemia, thyroid disruption, and neurological injury. It is not safe for human consumption. Not even if it comes labeled Read more…
January 29, 2022
¿Quieres saber si puedes reutilizar tu mascarilla? ¡Aquí hay algunos consejos de Las Nerdy Girls!
Masks Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Imagen: Heidi Schutz Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 28, 2022
¿La curva de contagios por COVID-19 está llegando al pico de infecciones activas? Si es el caso, a partir de esta confirmación, iríamos cuesta abajo, ¿verdad?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
… recuerde que incluso si los casos bajan tan rápido como aumentan, habrá tantos casos *después* del punto máximo como antes de llegar a él (¡piense en el área bajo la curva!). Y si el descenso es *más lento* que la subida, veremos aún *más* casos acumulados desde la aparición del brote durante la fase Read more…
January 28, 2022
When is the best time to test for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
January 27, 2022
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
Chlorine dioxide can’t prevent or cure COVID-19 (but it can cause liver failure).
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Taking chlorine dioxide (or its relatives, such as sodium hypochlorite) does not prevent or cure COVID-19. And it is dangerous. Chlorine dioxide can cause acute kidney and liver failure, intestinal perforations with sepsis, vomiting & diarrhea, anemia, thyroid disruption, and neurological injury. It is not safe for human consumption. Not even if it comes labeled Read more…
January 29, 2022
¿Quieres saber si puedes reutilizar tu mascarilla? ¡Aquí hay algunos consejos de Las Nerdy Girls!
Masks Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Imagen: Heidi Schutz Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 28, 2022
¿La curva de contagios por COVID-19 está llegando al pico de infecciones activas? Si es el caso, a partir de esta confirmación, iríamos cuesta abajo, ¿verdad?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
… recuerde que incluso si los casos bajan tan rápido como aumentan, habrá tantos casos *después* del punto máximo como antes de llegar a él (¡piense en el área bajo la curva!). Y si el descenso es *más lento* que la subida, veremos aún *más* casos acumulados desde la aparición del brote durante la fase Read more…
January 28, 2022
When is the best time to test for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
January 27, 2022
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Taking chlorine dioxide (or its relatives, such as sodium hypochlorite) does not prevent or cure COVID-19. And it is dangerous. Chlorine dioxide can cause acute kidney and liver failure, intestinal perforations with sepsis, vomiting & diarrhea, anemia, thyroid disruption, and neurological injury. It is not safe for human consumption. Not even if it comes labeled Read more…
¿Quieres saber si puedes reutilizar tu mascarilla? ¡Aquí hay algunos consejos de Las Nerdy Girls!
Masks Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Imagen: Heidi Schutz Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 28, 2022
¿La curva de contagios por COVID-19 está llegando al pico de infecciones activas? Si es el caso, a partir de esta confirmación, iríamos cuesta abajo, ¿verdad?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
… recuerde que incluso si los casos bajan tan rápido como aumentan, habrá tantos casos *después* del punto máximo como antes de llegar a él (¡piense en el área bajo la curva!). Y si el descenso es *más lento* que la subida, veremos aún *más* casos acumulados desde la aparición del brote durante la fase Read more…
January 28, 2022
When is the best time to test for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
January 27, 2022
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Imagen: Heidi Schutz Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
¿La curva de contagios por COVID-19 está llegando al pico de infecciones activas? Si es el caso, a partir de esta confirmación, iríamos cuesta abajo, ¿verdad?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
… recuerde que incluso si los casos bajan tan rápido como aumentan, habrá tantos casos *después* del punto máximo como antes de llegar a él (¡piense en el área bajo la curva!). Y si el descenso es *más lento* que la subida, veremos aún *más* casos acumulados desde la aparición del brote durante la fase Read more…
January 28, 2022
When is the best time to test for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
January 27, 2022
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
… recuerde que incluso si los casos bajan tan rápido como aumentan, habrá tantos casos *después* del punto máximo como antes de llegar a él (¡piense en el área bajo la curva!). Y si el descenso es *más lento* que la subida, veremos aún *más* casos acumulados desde la aparición del brote durante la fase Read more…
When is the best time to test for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
January 27, 2022
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
A: The best time to test for COVID-19 depends on your situation. NOTE: Updated for clarity on 2/8/22 ➡️ If you were exposed, the sweet spot to test is 3-5 days later* ➡️ If you develop symptoms, test right away* ➡️ If testing to leave isolation, check for a negative rapid test on day 5 Read more…
Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
January 26, 2022
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge. One potential Read more…
National News Literacy Week
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
January 26, 2022
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
🤓 NERD ALERT! 🤓 It’s National News Literacy Week! Those Nerdy Girls are working hard to grow a bright spot of sane science here on social media. Our biggest asset? YOU. Thanks to our science-loving community for spreading the good and debunking the junk. We are grateful for each and every one of you, each Read more…
Can I be a vaccine ambassador?
Vaccines Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 24, 2022
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
¿Las vacunas promuevan las variantes?
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
January 24, 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
¡No! ¡Las vacunas disminuyen las posibilidades de que ocurran variantes! ➡️ El virus tiene muchas, muchas más oportunidades de hacer copias de sí mismo en poblaciones no vacunadas, lo que crea un riesgo MUCHO mayor para el desarrollo de mutaciones del SARS-CoV-2. 💥Para evolucionar la resistencia, se necesitan mutaciones, y las mutaciones requieren replicación. Cuando Read more…
Epstein-Barr Virus & Multiple Sclerosis
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
January 23, 2022
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health dropped a public health bombshell this week in the journal Science: multiple sclerosis (MS) is likely caused by infection with Epstein-Barr virus, also known as EBV. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The disease involves an immune response that attacks the Read more…
¿Califico yo para una vacuna de refuerzo de COVID-19, y si sí, cuál?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
January 22, 2022
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Siga leyendo para ver si está elegible para una dosis de refuerzo. Recuerde, incluso si ha recibido una o dos dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, será menos probable que se enferme, sea hospitalizado o muera si recibe una dosis de refuerzo. Lea más sobre las dosis de refuerzo aquí Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Read more…
Can the vaccines help prevent Long Covid?
Long COVID Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
January 21, 2022
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
A: 🎱 Signs point to yes. TL;DR: In a new study, vaccinated people infected with SARS-CoV-2 had the same risk of reporting Long Covid symptoms as *uninfected* people. That is SOME GOOD NEWS!! With Omicron infections piling up even among the vaccinated, we know many are worried about the prospect of Long Covid. Even with Read more…
¿Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio o la vacunación contra la COVID-19? ¡Ambos son buenos!
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
January 21, 2022
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Mucha gente dice: “Solo come mejor y haz ejercicio– ¡es la mejor prevención para COVID-19!” ¿Es verdad? ¡Una dieta saludable y el ejercicio *sí*, son buenos para tu salud! Desafortunadamente, no previenen COVID-19. La mejor prevención para COVID-19 es vacunarse. Si consigues COVID-19, ser vacunado también es la mejor protección contra encontrarse en el UCI Read more…
I’m vaccinated, and I’ve recovered from Omicron. Can I finally let my guard down?
Biology/ImmunityGuest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
January 20, 2022
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
🙋 Asking for a friend… No wait, actually, I’m asking for me. After almost two years of precautions and a total of 10 vaccine shots, this Nerdy Girl’s family of four came down with COVID over the winter holidays, most likely the omicron variant. Now that we’re all fully recovered (thank you, vaccines!), it’s time Read more…
It’s just a sore throat. It’s not COVID, right?
Clinical Symptoms
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
January 19, 2022
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
TL;DR: Sadly, it definitely could be COVID-19. The Omicron variant is more likely to cause sore throat and less likely to cause a loss of taste and smell. Don’t blow off that scratchy sore throat. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. The symptoms of COVID-19 have shifted a little bit as new variants take Read more…
¿La vacuna Sinovac es efectiva contra COVID-19 grave?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
January 19, 2022
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
➡️ Las vacunas no son perfectas, pero siguen siendo realmente buenas. Datos detallados recientes de Malasia muestran que la tasa de mortalidad entre las personas que no están completamente vacunadas fue de 3200 por millón de malasios durante su reciente ola de otoño. Entre las personas completamente vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 160 Read more…
Does a positive COVID test mean that I’m contagious?
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
January 18, 2022
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
If you get a positive antigen rapid test, it’s best to assume that you are contagious. A positive PCR test doesn’t tell you whether you’re contagious, because PCR can be positive for weeks after the infectious period. Neither PCR nor rapid tests directly measure contagiousness, but they both shed light on what’s going on inside Read more…
Covid.tests.gov Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 18, 2022
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
Yes, it’s true! The covidtests.gov website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
If I haven’t had a booster shot yet, am I considered unvaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…
A: If you are eligible for a booster shot and haven’t gotten one yet, you are considered NOT ‘up-to-date’ on your COVID-19 vaccine series. TL; DR If you are not ‘up-to-date’ this impacts your level of immune protection and it’s also recommended you follow the same quarantine protocol as those who are not vaccinated. Boost Read more…