📊 DATA SNAPSHOT: Hospital Strain 📊
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
August 17, 2021
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…