Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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Antigen tests: explained.

Testing and Contact Tracing

An antigen test (aka Ag test, rapid test) looks for the presence of the virus that causes COVID-19 itself in a sample taken from your nose (or sometimes throat). They are an excellent tool for figuring out if you are infected–especially if there’s a good chance you are. This post will describe what an antigen Read more…


Data and Metrics

Hopeful news from 💩 data Omicron stinks big time. But there’s hope on the horizon, popping up in the most unexpected of places – our collective poop. Tracking 💩 – aka “wastewater surveillance” – is a proven way to predict the overall burden of infection in a community. Happily, 💩 trends are ⬇️ nationwide. It Read more…

Everyone I know is getting Omicron. Does this mean the vaccines don’t work?

COVID Variants Vaccines

A: No. COVID-19 vaccines are still acing their #1 job- preventing serious disease. TL;DR: Omicron is better at infecting people with immunity from vaccination or prior infection. But the vaccines (especially 3 doses) still *reduce* the risk of infection with Omicron, and *dramatically* reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Vaccination is still the best Read more…

Welp, I have COVID. When can I stop worrying about giving it to other people?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

The short answer is: 10 days after you first felt sick or tested positive, assuming you’re feeling better by then. If you’re not better, consult your clinician about ending your isolation period. There have been lots of updates to these guidelines for the time periods around COVID-19 exposures and infections, and reading them can feel Read more…

Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.

Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing

These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, then wear a Read more…

What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”


A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…

The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.

Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing

Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…