Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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Dear Pandemic talks to authors of recent PNAS opinion about parenting and women in science in a pandemic

Families/Kids Uncategorized

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…

Parenting and Women in Science

Families/Kids Videos

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…

Ugh, what’s the deal with this new study from South Korea about kids transmitting COVID-19?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening

Does this mean going back to school is more dangerous than we thought? A: As you’ve noticed by now, headlines are often more sensational than the underlying facts. This is a large, solidly conducted study but doesn’t move the needle on what we already know: younger children seem less likely to contract and spread SARS-CoV-2, Read more…

Dang it’s hot. Is it unsafe to spend time in places with air conditioning?

Socializing Staying Safe

A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…

Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!

Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…

Is sex dead??

Mental Health

A: With the extra household duties, the zoom fatigue, the existential anxieties, the sadness all around us….it is no wonder that many of us may not be feeling remotely in the mood for sex. Whether you are partnered or not, COVID-19 can be an extremely isolating & lonely time. First of all, we know that Read more…

What is the real death toll due to COVID-19? Are we OVER or UNDER counting deaths? Wouldn’t a lot of these people have died anyway?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy

A: The death toll has been HIGH (specifics below), -We are likely UNDER counting deaths due to COVID-19. -While some deaths attributed to COVID-19 would have occurred during this period anyway, we can calculate “EXCESS MORTALITY” – the number of deaths above and beyond those that would have been expected based on previous years. Deaths Read more…

What is the timeline from exposure to viral shedding to symptoms? When do people stop being contagious? When can I get out of quarantine? When is a PCR test accurate?

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

For today’s #ThrowbackThursday, we revisit a post from May 4th about the timeline of infection. A: This timeline, which we adapted from several sources, visualizes the incubation period and infectious period (also called contagious period), along with the timeline for seeing symptoms, timing for a reliable PCR test, and the typical timeline to hospitalization and Read more…

Do masks work?

Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe

A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…

With so much talk about schools and reopening, what factors are important to consider when weighing risks/benefits of doing so?

Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe

As nerdy girls, parents, and educators, we want so much to have clarity around school reopening. But, we just don’t yet know everything we need to know (and may not in 6 weeks!). So our best offering to you, our dear followers, is to share our ideas about how to assess the issue. We hope Read more…

I’m still confused about the “Is the virus airborne?” debate. Practical take-aways, please.

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: Individuals: Avoid poorly ventilated, crowded indoor spaces to the extent possible. Building owners/tenants: Beef up air filtration, especially in older buildings. Background: A very loud squabble emerged last week around the classification of SARS-CoV-2 in the scientific taxonomy. Nerdy Girl Alison wrote a wonderful post walking through the science discussing what an “airborne” classification Read more…

When should I get tested?

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

Introducing Nerdy Guest Ajay Sethi, PhD, MHS. Dr. Sethi is a leading infectious disease epidemiologist at UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health. (@AjayKSethi on Twitter!) ____________________________________________ Q: When should I get tested? When I’m sick? When I have specific symptoms? When I’m sick and not getting better after several days? When a family member Read more…

What is pool testing?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: In simple terms, pool testing (also referred to as “group testing” or “batch testing”) combines many tests into one sample. The benefit is that it can facilitate an increase in testing capabilities as well as result in cost/resource savings (when supplies are low). This is not a new strategy to test individuals for infectious Read more…