How worried should I be that any time I go outside I will contract coronavirus from outdoor exercise?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

Q: “How worried should I be that any time I go outside, I will contract coronavirus from a fellow pedestrian, runner, or cyclist who happens to exhale as they pass by?

A: The answer is, you probably don’t need to freak out about it. As long as you’re maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from other people and you’re not in a high-risk group, you’re engaged in a very low-risk activity, particularly if you and others are wearing masks.

According to virologist Angela Rasmussen “Outside, things like sunlight, wind, rain, ambient temperature, and humidity can affect virus infectivity and transmissibility, so while we can’t say there’s zero risk, it’s likely low unless you are engaging in activities as part of a large crowd (such as a protest). Solitary outdoor exercise is likely low-risk.

Vox article with virologist Angela Rasmussen

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