
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!


Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns.

They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.

As we strain to see through this current Omicron cloud, let’s celebrate the 9 BILLION Covid-19 vaccine doses that were administered in 2021, saving countless lives. Amazing new treatments including effective anti-virals are rolling out.

Let’s continue putting one foot in front of the other and strive to do even better, including vaccinating the world in 2022.

Today we honor Dr. Peter Hotez and colleagues at Texas Children’s Hospital’s Center for Vaccine Development who have developed a COVID-19 vaccine that is being shared with the world– patent free. THANK YOU, Dr. Hotez!!

Those Nerdy Girls

“A Covid vaccine for the world.”

“A new coronavirus vaccine heading to India was developed by a small team in Texas. It expects nothing in return”

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