Do all interactions carry the same risk for Covid-19 infection?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: No. Some activities are riskier than others. Here is one way to think about risk. The amount of virus and time spent in a given setting really matters. The goal is to limit the “dose” of virus and the length of time you are exposed. For this reason, some settings and activities are more concerning than others in the spread of Covid-19. Providing the high points below of a fantastic article by Dr. Erin Bromage from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. TOTALLY WORTH A FULL READ!

– Underlying principle: Dose x Time = likelihood of infection

– Sneezing catapults virus into the air. Normal breathing is more like a slow leak of virus. With enough time, the amount of virus in an enclosed space can be enough to infect you with one sneeze or normal breathing from an infected individual.

– 90% of virus transmission has occurred in the home of infected individuals, workplaces, public transportation, social gatherings, and restaurants – ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY IN ENCLOSED ENVIRONMENTS.

– Wash your hands. Avoid crowds. Well-ventilated and outdoor settings are best.

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