Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos

In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months.

If you have a question, put it in our question box at

➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Announcements (0:00-1:53)

➡️ Is it safe to get a budgie (parakeet) for a pet? (1:54-3:06)

➡️ What does the 95+% efficacy rate for vaccines really mean? (3:08-9:00)

➡️ After the second dose of vaccine, how long will it be effective? (9:04-14:23)

Related Link

➡️ What about people who are being super cautious? Is anyone addressing this group and helping them be prepared to re-enter society? (14:55-19:13)

➡️ What can we do to help those undecided feel comfortable with the decision to be vaccinated?(19:22-25:00)

Related Link

We will have live closed captioning and #ASL interpretation available during the Livestream, provided by Bridges for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. We’re so grateful for this opportunity to help us get the word out to more people who need reliable COVID info!

Link to original FB post