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What are the health impacts of COVID-19 on young children?

Families/Kids Long COVID Vaccines

What are the health impacts of COVID-19 on young children? How does the burden of COVID-19 compare to other vaccine-preventable diseases? COVID-19 is usually mild and short-lived in young kids. Yet, a small fraction of cases result in severe outcomes like Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, long-term symptoms, or even death. These tragedies strike children with and Read more…

Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 06-06-22

COVID Variants Families/Kids Infectious Diseases Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos

Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Those Nerdy Girls answer your latest questions about COVID and beyond. This month’s topics include: * Monkeypox * Shingles & the shingles vaccine * The SIDS study that went viral * Variant-specific COVID vaccines There’s also a speed round with quick answers to common questions Read more…

Should I get boosted now or wait?


If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…

Kids’ vaccination rates decreased during the height of the pandemic and have not yet caught up.

Families/Kids Vaccines

TL;DR: Many kids missed vaccines during the pandemic and we need to get kids caught up now! Vaccines are incredibly important to prevent serious childhood illness and save lives. Vaccination rates decreased during the height of the pandemic and have not yet caught up. The CDC just released a report looking at kindergarteners in the Read more…