Hydroxychloroquine – yay or nay?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The best evidence (still) suggests a resounding nay. ***** EDITED: 11:44 am to include FDA evidence review in the reference section ******* For our TGIF post we’re going to revisit the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) debate, because let’s get real, friends…..it’s been quite the week on the HCQ information frontlines. We Nerdy Girls are here to Read more…
July 25, 2020
Do I still need to wipe off my groceries?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Good news: you can stop wiping your groceries down with bleach. While you’re at it, you can stop quarantining your mail and Amazon boxes. As it turns out, you’re much more likely to fall ill from inhaling something that came straight out of the mouth or nose of the person standing next to you Read more…
July 23, 2020
Should I just get it over with and go to a ‘COVID party’?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Edited on 7/24/2020: Thank you to one of our followers for bringing it to our attention that at least some of the reports of COVID parties were later debunked. We are leaving the post up with a note, because the main message is legit. Please, for the love of peanut butter and jelly, do not Read more…
July 19, 2020
Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: The best evidence (still) suggests a resounding nay. ***** EDITED: 11:44 am to include FDA evidence review in the reference section ******* For our TGIF post we’re going to revisit the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) debate, because let’s get real, friends…..it’s been quite the week on the HCQ information frontlines. We Nerdy Girls are here to Read more…
Do I still need to wipe off my groceries?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Good news: you can stop wiping your groceries down with bleach. While you’re at it, you can stop quarantining your mail and Amazon boxes. As it turns out, you’re much more likely to fall ill from inhaling something that came straight out of the mouth or nose of the person standing next to you Read more…
July 23, 2020
Should I just get it over with and go to a ‘COVID party’?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Edited on 7/24/2020: Thank you to one of our followers for bringing it to our attention that at least some of the reports of COVID parties were later debunked. We are leaving the post up with a note, because the main message is legit. Please, for the love of peanut butter and jelly, do not Read more…
July 19, 2020
Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: Good news: you can stop wiping your groceries down with bleach. While you’re at it, you can stop quarantining your mail and Amazon boxes. As it turns out, you’re much more likely to fall ill from inhaling something that came straight out of the mouth or nose of the person standing next to you Read more…
Should I just get it over with and go to a ‘COVID party’?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Edited on 7/24/2020: Thank you to one of our followers for bringing it to our attention that at least some of the reports of COVID parties were later debunked. We are leaving the post up with a note, because the main message is legit. Please, for the love of peanut butter and jelly, do not Read more…
July 19, 2020
Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
Edited on 7/24/2020: Thank you to one of our followers for bringing it to our attention that at least some of the reports of COVID parties were later debunked. We are leaving the post up with a note, because the main message is legit. Please, for the love of peanut butter and jelly, do not Read more…
Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post.
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
July 9, 2020
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…
How do I help fight the “infodemic?”
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: Kindness + curiosity + scientific skepticism. Our second installment of Throwback Thursday is a re-share of “Lindsey’s Laws” for determining whether a piece of news is SOLID or SENSATIONAL. As the pandemic rages on, so does the ensuing whiplash from navigating splashy headlines and attention-grabbing claims. Some good news: We can all play a Read more…
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
June 30, 2020
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
June 25, 2020
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: NOT SO FAST….. despite the clickbait headlines, this particular scientific study only points to a virus that we need to keep a careful eye on, NOT an immediate public health threat. For the quick take on this story, we turn to University of Washington biologist (and amazing COVID-19 twitter source) Dr. Carl Bergstrom. Carl Read more…
How can I deal with the idea that I don’t know if and when COVID-19 is going to end?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
June 19, 2020
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
This week we wanted to address one of the biggest questions out there….one that keeps even these nerdy girls up at night. A: This is a difficult question and while we would love to tell you how and when this story ends, it’s just not that that simple. The defining features of this pandemic make Read more…
How did Dear Pandemic begin as a trusted source of Covid-19 information?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: Check out this new WHYY The Pulse episode, Social Media’s ‘Infodemic’. This episode features our very own Nerdy Girl, Dr. Alison Buttenheim, as well as other leaders in the field. Link to original FB post
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 14, 2020
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
Interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
Dear Pandemic is pleased to bring you this interview with Distinguished Nerdy Guest, Anne R. Pebley, PhD. Dr. Pebley is a Distinguished Professor at UCLA and a social demographer whose research focuses on social inequality both in the United States and globally. She joins us today to talk about the need for timely and accurate Read more…
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 9, 2020
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
Whoa, what is this I hear about the WHO announcing that asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is rare?!
Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
UPDATE (at bottom) Q: I thought that is why we have to be so careful; this is so confusing! A: Take a deep breath—despite the click-bait headlines coming out of yesterday’s rather unclear statement, nothing dramatic has changed about what we know about COVID-19 spread. The important distinction is between TRULY asymptomatic people who NEVER Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 16, 2020
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
Tell me again, will herd immunity work to save us all from COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
May 8, 2020
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: The quick answer: NO. It is likely that herd immunity (when a large portion of the population has immunity to an infectious disease, thus forming a protective layer, a cushion if you will, to stop the infection from reaching people who do not have immunity) will not work with COVID-19. This is not to Read more…
Help!! How do I figure out if a news story is SOLID or SENSATIONAL?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
April 28, 2020
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
A: We’re all fighting an “infodemic” along with this pandemic. Here are three evidence-based tips for practicing INFORMATION HYGIENE: (1) Demand extraordinary vetting for extraordinary claims; (2) Proactively seek out competing views; (3) Amplify good information, and cut off the oxygen to the toxic stuff. We’ve received many inquiries this week about sniffing out misinformation Read more…
Large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…
POISON CONTROL: 1-800-222-1222 Data from the CDC demonstrate large increases in calls to poison centers about cleaners and disinfectants – a trend beginning in mid-March. Staying safe inside requires proactive poison prevention. Texas Children’s Hospital provides a helpful “home audit” list with a variety of good tips. Highlights include keeping dangerous chemicals out of reach and Read more…