Is blood plasma a cure for COVID19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. The evidence suggests it’s still not clear. For today’s #TBT, we’re revisiting our previous post from May 12 which summarized the history, rationale, evidence to date around the use of blood plasma (also referred to as convalescent plasma) to treat COVID19. This was also a popular question from our weekly roundup, *and* it’s been Read more…
July 31, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine – yay or nay?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The best evidence (still) suggests a resounding nay. ***** EDITED: 11:44 am to include FDA evidence review in the reference section ******* For our TGIF post we’re going to revisit the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) debate, because let’s get real, friends…’s been quite the week on the HCQ information frontlines. We Nerdy Girls are here to Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
July 5, 2020
What have we learned about treatment of Covid-19 to date?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: New discoveries happen every day! In addition to research taking place to develop a vaccine, many clinicians and researchers are learning more about how to treat Covid-19 infection. The new knowledge about treatment falls into three categories: 1) pathophysiology of Covid-19 infection, 2) decreasing disease severity, and 3) minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the physiologic Read more…
June 24, 2020
How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A. The evidence suggests it’s still not clear. For today’s #TBT, we’re revisiting our previous post from May 12 which summarized the history, rationale, evidence to date around the use of blood plasma (also referred to as convalescent plasma) to treat COVID19. This was also a popular question from our weekly roundup, *and* it’s been Read more…
Hydroxychloroquine – yay or nay?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The best evidence (still) suggests a resounding nay. ***** EDITED: 11:44 am to include FDA evidence review in the reference section ******* For our TGIF post we’re going to revisit the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) debate, because let’s get real, friends…’s been quite the week on the HCQ information frontlines. We Nerdy Girls are here to Read more…
July 6, 2020
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
July 5, 2020
What have we learned about treatment of Covid-19 to date?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: New discoveries happen every day! In addition to research taking place to develop a vaccine, many clinicians and researchers are learning more about how to treat Covid-19 infection. The new knowledge about treatment falls into three categories: 1) pathophysiology of Covid-19 infection, 2) decreasing disease severity, and 3) minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the physiologic Read more…
June 24, 2020
How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: The best evidence (still) suggests a resounding nay. ***** EDITED: 11:44 am to include FDA evidence review in the reference section ******* For our TGIF post we’re going to revisit the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) debate, because let’s get real, friends…’s been quite the week on the HCQ information frontlines. We Nerdy Girls are here to Read more…
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
July 5, 2020
What have we learned about treatment of Covid-19 to date?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: New discoveries happen every day! In addition to research taking place to develop a vaccine, many clinicians and researchers are learning more about how to treat Covid-19 infection. The new knowledge about treatment falls into three categories: 1) pathophysiology of Covid-19 infection, 2) decreasing disease severity, and 3) minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the physiologic Read more…
June 24, 2020
How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…
What have we learned about treatment of Covid-19 to date?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: New discoveries happen every day! In addition to research taking place to develop a vaccine, many clinicians and researchers are learning more about how to treat Covid-19 infection. The new knowledge about treatment falls into three categories: 1) pathophysiology of Covid-19 infection, 2) decreasing disease severity, and 3) minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the physiologic Read more…
June 24, 2020
How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: New discoveries happen every day! In addition to research taking place to develop a vaccine, many clinicians and researchers are learning more about how to treat Covid-19 infection. The new knowledge about treatment falls into three categories: 1) pathophysiology of Covid-19 infection, 2) decreasing disease severity, and 3) minimizing long-term complications. Understanding the physiologic Read more…
How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
June 18, 2020
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…
Can you tell me the story of Hydroxychloroquine again?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
June 16, 2020
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Absolutely. To answer this question, we turn to the analysis of others….because we also love elevating others’ excellent and succinct work for you. This quick video by The Incidental Economist hits on the major points of the retracted studies and where we are now. It also ends on a hopeful message: “Science isn’t perfect. Read more…
Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
June 10, 2020
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…
Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
June 7, 2020
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…
If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
June 2, 2020
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…
Any recent news on the treatment/vaccine front?
Treatments Vaccines
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
May 18, 2020
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Yes! Three happy pieces of news this week: (1) The launch of an early-stage clinical trial for what’s believed to be the world’s first antibody treatment against COVID-19; (2) A Stat News interview with Dr. Fauci showcasing his cautious optimism about vaccine development; (3) New data on the anti-viral Remdesivir indicating the treatment’s effectiveness Read more…
Are there vitamins or supplements that I should take to prevent and/or treat COVID-19?
Staying Safe Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
May 18, 2020
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Here is the best evidence we found. Vitamin C: No. Modest evidence in prevention (even for the common cold). Evidence for treatment is still being examined in COVID-19 but unlikely to yield much benefit. May reduce ICU stay length and decrease need for mechanical ventilation but still being studied. Vitamin D: Yes to daily Read more…
What is this news about an antibody “100% cure” I just heard? Please tell me this is true!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
May 12, 2020
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: The Nerdy Girls want nothing more to wake up one day to this type of COVID-19 “game-changer” news. Maybe this was all a bad dream! For now, we lean towards consuming this stream of press with both cautious optimism AND skepticism. The news story in question from Friday came from a press release by Read more…
Tell me more about convalescent plasma as a form of treatment for COVID-19. Does it really work? Can I donate antibodies to help others if I have recovered from COVID-19?
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
May 5, 2020
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A. Convalescent plasma is a treatment that’s more than a century old and has been previously used as treatment for other infectious diseases, including the 1918 Pandemic Flu, MERS, and the 2003 outbreak of SARS. It involves taking antibody-rich blood plasma from recovered, healthy donors, and transfusing it into patients with severe disease as a Read more…
Remind me again, how does Remdesivir work? Immunity?
Biology/Immunity Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
April 30, 2020
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Quick version, watch these videos and share! Remdesivir Immunity ~Aparna Link to original FB post
Talk to me about the new Remdesivir data!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
April 18, 2020
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A (short): “Remdesivir isn’t a home run but looks active and can be part of a toolbox of drugs and diagnostics that substantially lower our risk heading into the fall,” says former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. A (long): The stock market and news media are brimming with optimism around the release of clinical trial data Read more…
Is the antiviral drug remdesivir the new “miracle solution” to COVID-19?
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
April 15, 2020
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Promising preliminary results from an uncontrolled study, but more evidence needed. News broke late this week about results from a study at the University of Chicago of 125 COVID-19 patients, 113 of whom were severe cases. The patients in the trial were given a daily intravenous infusion of remdesivir, an antiviral medication produced by Read more…
What is proning?
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
April 7, 2020
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: Proning refers to putting patients on their stomachs rather than their backs. It helps with getting oxygen to the patients’ lungs. Link to CNN Article on Proning Link to original FB post
What is Hydroxychloroquine used for?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
March 26, 2020
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are medications used to treat a few autoimmune diseases such as lupus. They are also anti malarial drugs. Although many people have been excited about the potential for them to treat COVID-19, there isn’t strong data to support this possibility. Unfortunately, there have been cases of “medication hoarding” of these drugs—which puts Read more…
Confused about all of the potential COVID treatments being discussed this week?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
March 21, 2020
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s 3/25 podcast provides a great explainer. TL;DR: “Our best protection for now: social distancing, washing our hands, looking out for ourselves and our loved ones, trying to help out wherever we can, and behaving like we might have the virus.” Transcript here Link to original FB post
Are there any approved treatments for COVID-19?
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page
A: No. Clinical trials have recently launched for a series of investigational treatments. Who to trust when conflicting reports come out? The FDA. See link here. Link to original FB page