Do you have practical advice for families around testing for COVID-19?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Are there good resources out there?” A: Yes! With people heading back to school and work and increasing risks of exposure, this is an important question. It is important to test at the right time, with the right test, and as often as needed. Before we dive in, here are a few details. Remember Read more…
August 9, 2021
What to do if you are exposed to someone with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19
Testing and Contact Tracing
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Our colleagues @IMPACT4HC provide great guidance in this infographic. Key takeaways: *Get tested for COVID-19 if you have been exposed.* Vaccinated, unvaccinated, symptomatic, asymptomatic – everyone should follow up with a test to prevent the spread of infection to others. *If you have an exposure, go for the PCR test.* PCR tests do a Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 17, 2021
Are over-the-counter COVID-19 tests reliable?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available in the United States. For 30 to 50 bucks, you get an answer in 25-45 minutes in the comfort of your home, much like the free rapid antigen tests used in the UK. Can you trust the results? It depends. Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science gives us Read more…
May 31, 2021
What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?
Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines
Rachael Piltch-Loeb, PhD MSPH
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
May 12, 2021
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
Q: Are there good resources out there?” A: Yes! With people heading back to school and work and increasing risks of exposure, this is an important question. It is important to test at the right time, with the right test, and as often as needed. Before we dive in, here are a few details. Remember Read more…
What to do if you are exposed to someone with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19
Testing and Contact Tracing
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Our colleagues @IMPACT4HC provide great guidance in this infographic. Key takeaways: *Get tested for COVID-19 if you have been exposed.* Vaccinated, unvaccinated, symptomatic, asymptomatic – everyone should follow up with a test to prevent the spread of infection to others. *If you have an exposure, go for the PCR test.* PCR tests do a Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 17, 2021
Are over-the-counter COVID-19 tests reliable?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available in the United States. For 30 to 50 bucks, you get an answer in 25-45 minutes in the comfort of your home, much like the free rapid antigen tests used in the UK. Can you trust the results? It depends. Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science gives us Read more…
May 31, 2021
What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?
Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines
Rachael Piltch-Loeb, PhD MSPH
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
May 12, 2021
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: Our colleagues @IMPACT4HC provide great guidance in this infographic. Key takeaways: *Get tested for COVID-19 if you have been exposed.* Vaccinated, unvaccinated, symptomatic, asymptomatic – everyone should follow up with a test to prevent the spread of infection to others. *If you have an exposure, go for the PCR test.* PCR tests do a Read more…
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 17, 2021
Are over-the-counter COVID-19 tests reliable?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available in the United States. For 30 to 50 bucks, you get an answer in 25-45 minutes in the comfort of your home, much like the free rapid antigen tests used in the UK. Can you trust the results? It depends. Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science gives us Read more…
May 31, 2021
What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?
Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines
Rachael Piltch-Loeb, PhD MSPH
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
May 12, 2021
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
Are over-the-counter COVID-19 tests reliable?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available in the United States. For 30 to 50 bucks, you get an answer in 25-45 minutes in the comfort of your home, much like the free rapid antigen tests used in the UK. Can you trust the results? It depends. Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science gives us Read more…
May 31, 2021
What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?
Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines
Rachael Piltch-Loeb, PhD MSPH
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
May 12, 2021
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available in the United States. For 30 to 50 bucks, you get an answer in 25-45 minutes in the comfort of your home, much like the free rapid antigen tests used in the UK. Can you trust the results? It depends. Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science gives us Read more…
What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?
Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines
Rachael Piltch-Loeb, PhD MSPH
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
May 12, 2021
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…
Are there really COVID-sniffing bees?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
May 4, 2021
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: TL;DR. Turns out bees have great sniffers, just like dogs! Preliminary studies demonstrate up to 95% accuracy in detection of COVID-19 using multiple specially trained honeybees. Scientists of all stripes have stepped up to the challenge of helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including scientists who specialize in insects with yellow and black stripes. Researchers Read more…
Why are there so many tests for COVID-19? How do I know which one is best for me?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: There are two types of tests for the virus that causes COVID-19: diagnostic and antibody. Different types of tests have been developed based on the science of the virus and our body’s response to it. Diagnostic tests will tell you if you have an active viral infection—that is, if you have COVID-19 right now. Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
January 30, 2021
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
Home poop tests anyone?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
January 6, 2021
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
Q: I’ve heard that some colleges are testing wastewater from dorms to find out if there is Covid. Does this mean there could be accurate(ish) home fecal tests in our future? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. A. The Nerdy Girls support innovation, accuracy, affordability, and accessibility. And Read more…
New Rapid Home Test for COVID-19
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
December 29, 2020
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
Q: I heard that the FDA approved several new rapid home test for diagnosis of COVID-19. Are the rapid tests just as good as the others? Can I take this one before I visit family? A: TL; DR: No, rapid tests are not quite as good at picking up positives (someone who really has COVID-19) Read more…
What lessons can we learn from the contact tracers?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
December 26, 2020
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
We talked to someone who has been working as a state contact tracer since May. She gave us a list of practical things you can do today to make contact tracers’ jobs easier: 1️⃣ Clear out your voicemail so they can leave a message! 📪 2️⃣ Make sure you have a thermometer at home. 🌡️ Read more…
With all this holiday travel, why don’t airports have COVID-sniffing dogs?
Data and Metrics Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
December 19, 2020
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: As noted in prior posts, highly trained dogs have the incredible capacity to successfully detect the odor of people with COVID-19 by sniffing human sweat. Pilot programs using COVID-sniffing dogs to detect infection among potential passengers have already launched in airports in Finland, the United Arab Emirates, and most recently Chile. These pilot projects Read more…
Why are COVID-19 numbers lower on the weekends?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
December 16, 2020
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: TL, DR: The weekly pattern of fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths on the weekends is primarily due to differences in testing timing and reporting delays, but some of the pattern may be due to increased weekend socializing. Based on publicly available data, there is a widely observed ‘weekend effect’ with fewer COVID-19 cases and Read more…
What’s up with the new CDC guidelines for shorter quarantine periods?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
November 23, 2020
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: The guidelines represent a “most bang for your buck” approach to preventing transmission of COVID-19 at the population level–but quarantining for 14 days is still the recommended and safest approach. While our scientific understanding of how long it takes to develop COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed (science term: incubation period) still says up to Read more…
Has my COVID bubble gotten out of control? How can I tell?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
November 7, 2020
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: Your “bubble” might be far bigger than you think. To figure out exactly how big and who you might be sharing germs with, think like a contact tracer and sketch out your contact network. 🖧 If you need to pull out a piece of paper to figure this out, that’s a whole lot of Read more…
Why are universities doing things like testing wastewater and pooling spit?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
November 6, 2020
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: Testing samples of wastewater and pooled spit in places with communal living, such as colleges and universities, provide several valuable benefits in detecting COVID-19. TESTING OF ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE. When people are living and socializing together in the same building, there is a risk of asymptomatic spread. If you wait until people are symptomatic to Read more…
I heard there was a large COVID-19 outbreak at an overnight summer school retreat in WI. What happened?!
Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
October 29, 2020
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: Retreat organizers relied primarily on a test-based strategy for preventing individuals with COVID-19 from attending the retreat and didn’t employ other measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among attendees. This did not work. Consequently, a single attendee who became ill the day after arriving led to 116 other attendees (76% of attendees) becoming a Read more…
Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?
Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…
A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…