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Staying Safe

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Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 07-08-22

Families/Kids Long COVID Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls will answer questions about long COVID, outdoor transmission, rapid antigen testing, and more. Featuring: Amanda Simanek, PhD, MPH, DP Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD – DP Contributing Writer āž”ļø Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-0:53) āž”ļø Should I vaccinate my child against COVID-19? (0:54-3:39) Check out this link to the live Q&A Read more…

Whatā€™s the point of making an effort anymore if COVID-19 is everywhere?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: Remember ā€œflatten the curveā€? We still need to ā€œflatten the waves.ā€ Much has changed since this rallying cry of Spring 2020, but keeping the infamous reproductive rate (or ā€œR-valueā€) down is still a worthy goal. While we *totally* feel everyone’s pandemic fatigue and frustration with fellow humans, it’s not all or nothing with prevention Read more…

Is it safe to . . .?!

Staying Safe

ā€œHow risky is being indoors with our 10-year-old granddaughter without masks? We have plans to have birthday tea together. Are we safe?ā€ That question, from a woman named Debby in California, is just one of hundreds Iā€™ve received from concerned people who are worried about COVID-19. Iā€™m an epidemiologist and one of the women behind Read more…