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Mental Health

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Trauma and COVID-19

Mental Health Social and Racial Justice

Q: I’ve heard people using language about trauma and COVID-19. Can you explain? I know COVID-19 is bad… but what makes it traumatizing? A: COVID-19 has caused tragic loss for people around the world. What we consider to be a *loss* is very personal, and can be so emotionally intense that it creates traumatic responses. Read more…

Iā€™ve reached a new mental low. It doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™m getting the vaccine any time soon, and Iā€™m just ā€¦ done.

Mental Health

A: Deep breath. Experts told us the winter was going to be hard, and here we are. Research suggests that choosing (and accomplishing) a highlight each day — one activity, goal or project that is most important to you ā€“ will boost your self-efficacy and help you keep on keepinā€™ on. Feeling bored, anxious, irritable Read more…

First the COVID-19 pandemic, now winterā€¦.is seasonal depression coming my way?

Mental Health

A: Not necessarily! There are things you can do to ward off the blues. TL; DR: Focus on variables you can change: sleeping, scheduling, using a bright light, planning activities, and allowing yourself breaks. The Long Version: We know that the pandemic has worsened mental health symptoms (primarily anxiety and depressive symptoms), especially for young Read more…

How can I navigate mourning the death of loved ones during Covid-19?

Infection and Spread Mental Health

A: This is hard. We celebrate life and grieve loss with our Dear Pandemic community. Traditional grieving practices such as funerals require additional considerations during the present pandemic to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while also supporting normal grief following a death. The combination of tragic circumstances, social isolation, and in some cases multiple losses Read more…

As a working parent, Iā€™m already at my limit on stress–how am I supposed to manage holiday stress too?? Help me!

Mental Health

A: We know that many parents are struggling for balance: working, virtual school, housework, and now also the holidays! To keep stress from putting a damper on the holidays, use proven strategies to take a pause. As parents, we experience all of the emotions for ourselves and for our kids. Compound that with the stress Read more…

I love going for long walks with my dog. But, I heard that my dog can give me COVID-19! Is this true?

Infection and Spread Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Possible, but not likely (and remember, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus, COVID-19 is the disease in humans). So put on your mask, grab your hand sanitizer, and ā€¦ keep walking your dog! Hereā€™s the longer version. Over the past week, several news outlets have claimed that people who walk dogs are more likely to have Read more…

As winter approaches and many of us are facing unprecedented levels of COVID-19 in our communities, how can we stay safe AND stay sane over the next few months?

Mental Health Socializing Staying Safe

A: The reality is that despite cooling temperatures outside we all need to be thinking about how to reduce the time we spend indoors with those not in our household. The good news is this wonā€™t last forever and we know what steps to take. Indeed, re-upping the strategies we know work to stop the Read more…