Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
August 23, 2021
Can the framing of a message change how I process that information?
Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! Thought pathways and subsequent actions are often influenced by the way information is received. This post will highlight a few common cognitive distortions AND tips for reframing information for more objective actions. A cognitive distortion is defined by the American Psychological Association as “faulty or inaccurate thinking, perception, or belief”. Cognitive distortions interrupt Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
July 31, 2021
How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
June 22, 2021
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
Can the framing of a message change how I process that information?
Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! Thought pathways and subsequent actions are often influenced by the way information is received. This post will highlight a few common cognitive distortions AND tips for reframing information for more objective actions. A cognitive distortion is defined by the American Psychological Association as “faulty or inaccurate thinking, perception, or belief”. Cognitive distortions interrupt Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
July 31, 2021
How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
June 22, 2021
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: YES! Thought pathways and subsequent actions are often influenced by the way information is received. This post will highlight a few common cognitive distortions AND tips for reframing information for more objective actions. A cognitive distortion is defined by the American Psychological Association as “faulty or inaccurate thinking, perception, or belief”. Cognitive distortions interrupt Read more…
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
July 31, 2021
How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
June 22, 2021
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
July 31, 2021
How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
June 22, 2021
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
June 22, 2021
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
June 21, 2021
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Q: It seems like COVID-19 can have some short and long-term effects on the brain. What is the likelihood that psychiatric issues will arise in COVID-19 survivors?” THE QUICK ANSWER: We do not yet know if SARS COV-2 can get to the brain (cross the blood brain barrier), but we have some evidence that more Read more…
What is pandemic fatigue and what can I do about it?
Infection and Spread Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
May 23, 2021
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: Pandemic fatigue can be defined as being in a fight or flight state for an extended period of time. This can cause a stress like reaction, which eventually leads to behavioral fatigue. In other words, initially many of us were fearful of the new virus and abided by restrictions such as limiting gatherings, avoiding Read more…
How does increased screen time affect our lives?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
May 17, 2021
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Let’s talk a moment to talk about screens (and yes, we realize that you are reading this on a screen right now 😂). Still, all this screen time is changing the way we live and almost all of us are spending too much time on our screens (phones, computers, laptops, and others). Here are a Read more…
How do I continue relationships with friends and family members with very different views on vaccines, masks, politics and life post COVID?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
May 16, 2021
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: If you love them and want to continue to be in relationship with them, focus on the common ground instead of the areas where you disagree. From masks to vaccines, from coverups to conspiracy theories and beyond, global news (and all the politics that come with it) dominated personal conversation in the last year. Read more…
Help! Am I languishing?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
May 10, 2021
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Do not fear….Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, here to talk about this! 😿 What is languishing? It is living but having little joy, purpose, or aim. It is going through the motions of daily life but not feeling good about it and maybe even not being able to take the next steps. Read more…
Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
May 9, 2021
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Q: I have trouble trusting that the United States is on the downward slope of this pandemic. Is being hopeful and optimistic a recipe for disappointment? Am I being alarmist or am I missing some key data? A: Optimism is healthy … even if it feels challenging right now. Years ago a friend of mine Read more…
Preparing for residual mental health impacts of COVID
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
April 30, 2021
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Q: Is there a way to start anticipating and preparing for the residual mental health impacts of Covid? I feel as if I will carry a PTSD of sorts. Will I flinch every time I hear about a new virus? Will the rest of my life be spent on high alert waiting for the next Read more…
I need to relax but I don’t have time or a quiet space to meditate. Is there anything I can do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
April 26, 2021
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: Yes. There is a simple breathing exercise you can do anywhere anytime. The year 2020 was very challenging in many ways for all of us. And 2021 seems to be keeping pace with the strangeness. Though there is a bit of relief we can feel, none of us can predict what will happen next. Read more…
I’m hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on what’s safe and what’s not. Help!
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
April 24, 2021
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
A: Humans are bad at assessing risk. We’re even worse at determining whether something is a real or hypothetical risk. By challenging our psychological assumptions, we can be smarter consumers of science information. Our personal sense of what’s risky and what’s safe is a *feeling*… and feelings aren’t always accurate. Here are some of our Read more…
How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…
Q: These are tough times. How can I deal with opposing feelings about the pandemic, like anger and happiness or relief and anxiety, at the same time? How can I make space for both? Dr. Aparna Kumar, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner here to answer. Many of us are struggling right now. How can we Read more…