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Mental Health

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Do I have OCD?

Mental Health

Help! The pandemic has me worrying about germs 🧫…do I have OCD? 🤔 Not necessarily. OCD can include worries about germs, but can be a LOT more than that. Let’s talk a little bit more about OCD to understand why. OCD is a chronic mental health condition with typical symptoms including frequent and unwanted thoughts Read more…

What is depression anyways?

Mental Health

💧 Depression is a medical illness, influenced by genes 🧬 , 😞 stressors in our lives, and the 🏡 environment around us. It is influenced by biological, social, and psychological factors. There is no one cause for depression. Depression can affect any person, regardless of age or social status. Some people are more likely to Read more…

Our Journey Out of This Pandemic

Mental Health

Our journey out of this pandemic has been longer, more confusing, and messier than a lot of us expected. If you’re feeling emotionally exhausted and burnt-out, you’re not alone. Now is the time to face those feelings head-on and give yourself the gift of a purpose-focused break. Ideally in the sunshine. After a nap. Here’s Read more…

Why Do I Feel So Down This Time of Year?

Mental Health

“Mama, did the power go out? It’s so dark.” – 5 year old “No, it’s just morning and it’s cloudy.” – mom “BUT IT’S BEEN CLOUDY FOR DAYS!!!” – 5 year old “It’s called February.” – mom Sometimes kids just tell it exactly like it is, don’t they? This is an accurate recount of the Read more…

Are you 1 in 5?

Mental Health

➡️ 1 in 5 people live with a mental health condition in any year. Having a mental health condition not only increases the risk of having a physical illness, it also increases the risk of worse outcomes like hospitalization, complications from the illness, and death. This can happen with illnesses like COVID-19. The CDC has Read more…