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Infectious Diseases

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Is polio back?

Infectious Diseases

A: Polio was never gone, but there is a re-emergence in places where it has not been found for many decades. Polio is an infectious disease that many Americans over 70 might remember from their childhoods. Mass vaccination campaigns in the U.S. and many other countries largely stopped the virus from circulating for many decades, Read more…

If I got the smallpox vaccine as a kid, am I protected against monkeypox?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Short answer: Probably to some degree, but just how much is up in the air. Because the virus that causes monkeypox is similar to the smallpox virus, smallpox vaccines are effective at preventing people from getting monkeypox. Prior studies using the Dryvax vaccine (the first-generation smallpox vaccine that was used during smallpox eradication), showed that Read more…

Can COVID-19 trigger shingles?

Infectious Diseases

In a nutshell, yes. Researchers recently found that people over 50 who had COVID were more likely to get shingles than people who did not have COVID. This risk persists for at least 6 months following COVID-19 infection. A separate study looked at people who got either mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 and found NO elevated Read more…

Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 08-12-22

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases School Treatments Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about Monkeypox, masking at school, bivalent boosters, COVID-19 rebound, and more. Hosted by: – Malia Jones, PhD, MPH: Dear Pandemic Co-Founder & former EIC – Chana Davis, PhD: Dear Pandemic Contributing Writer & Founder, Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Monkeypox – How worried should I Read more…

What is Parechovirus?

Infectious Diseases

There’s a new infection in the news – parechovirus. While it’s not a new virus, recent reports of severe cases have garnered public attention. In this post, Those Nerdy Girls are here to help you get the facts straight and learn how to protect yourself. 🦠 What is parechovirus? Parechovirus is a virus that is Read more…

What’s the link between deforestation and public health/infectious diseases?

Infectious Diseases

We are thrilled to introduce Nerdy Guest Andrea Johnson to talk about deforestation and infectious disease. 1.) Tell me about your background and training. I’m currently an Advisor to the Climate and Land Use Alliance, a philanthropic alliance that helps major foundations align their grantmaking end to fight deforestation and secure the rights and livelihoods Read more…