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Infection and Spread

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What exactly is a “superspreader” and what makes one person a superspreader and another person not?

Data and Metrics Infection and Spread

A: The word “superspreader” simply refers to someone who is infected with COVID-19 and–somehow–manages to pass it along to a whole lot of other people. Specifically, a superspreader infects many more people than you would expect based on the averages. We’ve seen situations where one infected person got dozens of others sick. We’ve also seen Read more…

Can children spread COVID-19 in child care facilities (children 5 and under)?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

From our follower Question Box!! A: Yes, while we know that children are less likely to experience severe illness due to COVID-19, increasing evidence tells us that children can spread (transmit) the virus. But, it is not clear if they are more likely to do so than adults or if likelihood of transmission varies by Read more…

Are temperature checks an adequate screening tool for COVID-19?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: Unfortunately, no. Being fever-free at the time of a temperature check is not a guarantee that a person doesn’t have COVID-19, nor that someone with COVID-19 won’t spread the infection to others. Why is that? The period of infectiousness for someone with COVID-19 (i.e., the window of time when someone can infect others) starts Read more…

What’s the most likely way to catch SARS-CoV-2? Do I still need to Lysol the bejeesus out of everything?

Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe

A: You are most likely to catch SARS-CoV-2 from the AIR you breathe. General cleanliness rules for surfaces apply but you can stop obsessive purchases of Lysol and Clorox wipes. We’ve come a long way from those whimsical days in March when our hands were cracked from too much hand sanitizer and the high touch Read more…

What’s going on with the rise in SARS-CoV-2 cases in Spain? It sounds really bad.

Biology/Immunity Data and Metrics Infection and Spread

Q: Since they were already hit hard once, shouldn’t they have some herd immunity? A: Spain has seen an alarming increase in confirmed cases since mid-July, even surpassing the U.S. in daily cases per capita. But so far, deaths have only ticked up slightly compared to the height of their epidemic in March and April Read more…

Did the Sturgis bike rally really cause 266,796 new COVID-19 cases?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Extremely unlikely. (but that doesn’t mean it didn’t increase transmission…) The Nerdy Girls want to give you straight talk about the data whether or not it comports with our pre-existing views (like the general idea that mass gatherings are *not* a good idea during the pandemic). Trust in science relies on having high standards Read more…

Should I buy an air purifier for my home? I’ve heard some people say that the virus particles are too small for HEPA filters to work.

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: It’s *probably* a good idea, and HEPA filters easily remove the size particles that carry the virus (the virus does not fly around naked, but embedded in mucus and saliva, yum!). Compared to overstocking Clorox wipes, cleaning your air may provide important COVID-19 protection for you and your family, especially over the winter as Read more…