How can I help my child understand the change to mask guidance?
Families/Kids Masks Mental Health Reopening
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The new CDC guidance recommends that masks need not be worn in areas with low community risk, including at school. If your child is anxious about this change, it’s no surprise. Changes of any type can produce anxiety. And after two years of wearing a mask, your child may not even remember what it was Read more…
March 3, 2022
What is going on with the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year old kids?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
You may have seen a lot of news about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5–11-year-old kids in the last few days. One new report out of New York suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine for these kids does not provide much protection against getting infected. Another study from the CDC shows that the vaccines continue to Read more…
March 1, 2022
March 1st is Baby Sleep Day!
Families/Kids General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council FB page for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a prolonged pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their Read more…
February 26, 2022
Does breastfeeding protect my baby from COVID-19?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: Breastfeeding can likely help protect babies from COVID-19 but we don’t know yet how well. Antibodies from vaccination or infection are transferred through breast milk, but they are short-lived and do not enter the bloodstream. By contrast, antibodies transferred during pregnancy enter the fetal bloodstream, where they often persist for six months or more, Read more…
February 10, 2022
My kid had COVID-19. When can they return to sports?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
February 1, 2022
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
The new CDC guidance recommends that masks need not be worn in areas with low community risk, including at school. If your child is anxious about this change, it’s no surprise. Changes of any type can produce anxiety. And after two years of wearing a mask, your child may not even remember what it was Read more…
What is going on with the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year old kids?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
You may have seen a lot of news about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5–11-year-old kids in the last few days. One new report out of New York suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine for these kids does not provide much protection against getting infected. Another study from the CDC shows that the vaccines continue to Read more…
March 1, 2022
March 1st is Baby Sleep Day!
Families/Kids General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council FB page for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a prolonged pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their Read more…
February 26, 2022
Does breastfeeding protect my baby from COVID-19?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: Breastfeeding can likely help protect babies from COVID-19 but we don’t know yet how well. Antibodies from vaccination or infection are transferred through breast milk, but they are short-lived and do not enter the bloodstream. By contrast, antibodies transferred during pregnancy enter the fetal bloodstream, where they often persist for six months or more, Read more…
February 10, 2022
My kid had COVID-19. When can they return to sports?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
February 1, 2022
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
You may have seen a lot of news about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5–11-year-old kids in the last few days. One new report out of New York suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine for these kids does not provide much protection against getting infected. Another study from the CDC shows that the vaccines continue to Read more…
March 1st is Baby Sleep Day!
Families/Kids General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council FB page for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a prolonged pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their Read more…
February 26, 2022
Does breastfeeding protect my baby from COVID-19?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: Breastfeeding can likely help protect babies from COVID-19 but we don’t know yet how well. Antibodies from vaccination or infection are transferred through breast milk, but they are short-lived and do not enter the bloodstream. By contrast, antibodies transferred during pregnancy enter the fetal bloodstream, where they often persist for six months or more, Read more…
February 10, 2022
My kid had COVID-19. When can they return to sports?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
February 1, 2022
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
The Nerdy Girls at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council FB page for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a prolonged pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their Read more…
Does breastfeeding protect my baby from COVID-19?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: Breastfeeding can likely help protect babies from COVID-19 but we don’t know yet how well. Antibodies from vaccination or infection are transferred through breast milk, but they are short-lived and do not enter the bloodstream. By contrast, antibodies transferred during pregnancy enter the fetal bloodstream, where they often persist for six months or more, Read more…
February 10, 2022
My kid had COVID-19. When can they return to sports?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
February 1, 2022
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
A: Breastfeeding can likely help protect babies from COVID-19 but we don’t know yet how well. Antibodies from vaccination or infection are transferred through breast milk, but they are short-lived and do not enter the bloodstream. By contrast, antibodies transferred during pregnancy enter the fetal bloodstream, where they often persist for six months or more, Read more…
My kid had COVID-19. When can they return to sports?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
February 1, 2022
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
A: It depends on how sick the child was and what symptoms they had. All children and adolescents should have a visit with their primary care clinician (PCP) after COVID-19 infection to see if they are ready to get back to sports, and some kids will need additional tests of their heart to make sure Read more…
Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
January 31, 2022
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…
💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
January 25, 2022
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…
If more than one person in a household tests positive for COVID-19, do the positive people need to isolate from each other?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more…
January 18, 2022 Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
A: Isolation is meant to keep others from getting infected. If multiple people in a household are positive, it is OK for them to isolate together. It gets a little more complicated when some people are infected, and others aren’t. Read on for tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky situation. Many folks Read more… Website Up and Ready for Your Order!
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
Yes, it’s true! The website is now open and ready for your order! Each household in the US can request 4 free rapid antigen COVID-19 self-tests. The request form is super quick and easy. Nerdy Girl Alison submitted her test request in way less time than it took to make this post. Tests will Read more…
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 17, 2021
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…
💥Breaking News Friday💥 TL:DR: A slight delay to Pfizer’s vaccine trial for <5 year olds: The trial is adding a 3rd dose to boost immune response, and now expects submission of data “in the first half of 2022.” The vaccine news the past 12 months has mostly been WAY better than expected. Today the news Read more…