Is trick-or-treat cancelled?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No! The kids’ Halloween is not ruined. Like most things, Halloween is going to be different, but with a little creativity, we CAN have a safe version of trick-or-treat. Fortunately, most Halloween traditions in the U.S. are compatible with COVID harm reduction basics: wear a mask, keep it outdoors, and avoid crowds. Some parts Read more…
August 27, 2020
Is it okay to let friends use our bathroom?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
We want to visit with a few friends that are outside our bubble and are trying to #StaySMART by socializing outdoors in our yard, while social distancing and wearing masks…but what if someone needs to use my bathroom, is it okay to let them? A: Yes, you can let someone from outside your household use Read more…
August 26, 2020
Is it going to be possible to see my family for Thanksgiving?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: While we can’t predict the future… it would take a scientific miracle for everything to be hunky-dory by Thanksgiving here in the States & make “Thanksgiving as usual” a reality. You might as well plan on a pandemic Thanksgiving now–because it will take some planning to safely get together with members of your family Read more…
August 24, 2020
How to Relax in Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one is for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! #COVID19 #covidkids #breathwork ~Aparna
August 24, 2020
Relaxing With Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
August 22, 2020
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: No! The kids’ Halloween is not ruined. Like most things, Halloween is going to be different, but with a little creativity, we CAN have a safe version of trick-or-treat. Fortunately, most Halloween traditions in the U.S. are compatible with COVID harm reduction basics: wear a mask, keep it outdoors, and avoid crowds. Some parts Read more…
Is it okay to let friends use our bathroom?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
We want to visit with a few friends that are outside our bubble and are trying to #StaySMART by socializing outdoors in our yard, while social distancing and wearing masks…but what if someone needs to use my bathroom, is it okay to let them? A: Yes, you can let someone from outside your household use Read more…
August 26, 2020
Is it going to be possible to see my family for Thanksgiving?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: While we can’t predict the future… it would take a scientific miracle for everything to be hunky-dory by Thanksgiving here in the States & make “Thanksgiving as usual” a reality. You might as well plan on a pandemic Thanksgiving now–because it will take some planning to safely get together with members of your family Read more…
August 24, 2020
How to Relax in Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one is for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! #COVID19 #covidkids #breathwork ~Aparna
August 24, 2020
Relaxing With Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
August 22, 2020
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
We want to visit with a few friends that are outside our bubble and are trying to #StaySMART by socializing outdoors in our yard, while social distancing and wearing masks…but what if someone needs to use my bathroom, is it okay to let them? A: Yes, you can let someone from outside your household use Read more…
Is it going to be possible to see my family for Thanksgiving?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: While we can’t predict the future… it would take a scientific miracle for everything to be hunky-dory by Thanksgiving here in the States & make “Thanksgiving as usual” a reality. You might as well plan on a pandemic Thanksgiving now–because it will take some planning to safely get together with members of your family Read more…
August 24, 2020
How to Relax in Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one is for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! #COVID19 #covidkids #breathwork ~Aparna
August 24, 2020
Relaxing With Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
August 22, 2020
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: While we can’t predict the future… it would take a scientific miracle for everything to be hunky-dory by Thanksgiving here in the States & make “Thanksgiving as usual” a reality. You might as well plan on a pandemic Thanksgiving now–because it will take some planning to safely get together with members of your family Read more…
How to Relax in Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one is for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! #COVID19 #covidkids #breathwork ~Aparna
August 24, 2020
Relaxing With Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
August 22, 2020
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one is for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! #COVID19 #covidkids #breathwork ~Aparna
Relaxing With Your Mask
Families/Kids School Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
August 22, 2020
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
As we head into the fall, take a moment to calmly review mask wearing! This one if for the younger ones in our lives….as well as adults! Stay Safe. Stay Sane. And Just Breathe! ~Aparna Link to original FB post
Will staying isolated weaken our immune systems since we are not being exposed to other viruses like the common cold?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
August 18, 2020
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Thank you for this great question from a follower. The immune system gets stronger by learning to differentiate between friendly microbes and unfriendly microbes. Friendly microbes are present in our daily environment in the dirt and in our homes. Bad microbes include viruses such as the common cold that can make us very sick. Read more…
What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
August 13, 2020
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…
Should I send my child to daycare*?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
August 12, 2020
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: The data are not yet conclusive, but there are several considerations to keep in mind to help guide this individual decision. 1) Low level of community transmission matters. This can influence the likelihood of cases arising in the daycare center. We cannot emphasize this point enough. Many have asked what metrics to use. Most Read more…
Young Adults, Mental Health, and College
Families/Kids Mental Health Reopening School
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
August 12, 2020
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have Read more…
My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
August 3, 2020
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
Is it safe for my child to play on public playground equipment when no other kids are around?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
August 2, 2020
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: The concern is not so much the playground equipment, but the activities that happen around the playground that require consideration. When making choices about playground visits, the following topics are worth consideration. Community Spread – The take-home message is that there are more counties in the country with rising cases of Covid-19 than the reverse. Read more…
What do we really know about COVID and kids?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
August 1, 2020
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: There are more questions than answers. What we know: ✅ Kids are capable of getting COVID-19 and transmitting it to both adults and other kids. ✅ Children who are infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, and more likely to recover quickly and without the need for Read more…
What happened to Buddy? Can animals get the novel coronavirus and die? Can pets transmit it to their owners?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
July 30, 2020
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Sadly, Buddy, a German Shepherd from Staten Island, NY, recently died. Buddy was the first dog in the US that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (side note: The disease is only called COVID-19 in humans). Technically, bloodwork confirmed that Buddy likely died from lymphoma. However, it’s hard to know the role that the novel coronavirus Read more…
How should I handle having a repair person in my home?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
July 30, 2020
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Only have someone come in if it’s urgent and your family is well; call in advance to ask about protocols; give the repair person some space; and clean up after. 1. If it’s not urgent, delay it–especially if there’s a lot of COVID in your area. And if someone in your household is sick, Read more…
What are teachers saying about returning to school?
Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
July 29, 2020
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A couple of weeks ago, Dear Pandemic posted our joint opinion on reopening schools, and several teachers left feedback that indicated they have not felt heard in the ongoing discussion. Taking that to heart, we asked a few K-12 teachers to do what they do best: educate us. What it would take for THEM to Read more…
Are children and adolescents experiencing more mental health symptoms during the pandemic?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: It is likely that many children and adolescents are experiencing stress and mental health symptoms as a consequence of the pandemic, but we do not yet know the long term effects. Here is what we do know: -In the U.S. and in many parts of the world, children receive mental health support in school Read more…
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 22, 2020
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
How might we use information from studies of Covid-19 outbreaks in nursing homes and summer camps to inform the reopening of schools?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread School Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…
A: Let’s consider nursing homes and summer camps. While these environments are different from schools for a host of reasons, the knowledge gained from these settings does inform the critical decisions being made about educating children in the fall. A recent study of Covid-19 spread in nursing homes led by Dr. Elizabeth White found that Read more…