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Clinical Symptoms

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What do you think of the idea of “focused protection” or “shielding” the vulnerable so that everyone else can get on with normal life?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread

A: We *wish* it were this easy, but sadly it’s not. While this approach sounds appealing on the surface, the deeper you dig the more the argument collapses in on itself. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: • The death and hospitalization toll even in under 65s would be Read more…

If I have a symptomatic case of COVID, what are the chances I have a full recovery?

Clinical Symptoms Data and Metrics

A: On *average*, about 80% of symptomatic cases will recover without hospitalization. But (big big but): your mileage may vary. One of the things epidemiologists study is the “natural history” of a disease — or how a given disease progresses in individuals from start to finish. Most diseases and conditions have a stylized or typical Read more…

Any tips for combatting “tech neck?”

Clinical Symptoms

A: The pandemic’s been hell on our collective posture. These 3Ms can help: (1) Moving more; (2) Modifying your home office/school set-up; (3) Minding your mental health. MOVE MORE. AND MORE OFTEN Stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, and arms are awesome; as are aerobic activities (cites below). The most awesome exercises? Those that you’ll actually Read more…

Are temperature checks an adequate screening tool for COVID-19?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: Unfortunately, no. Being fever-free at the time of a temperature check is not a guarantee that a person doesn’t have COVID-19, nor that someone with COVID-19 won’t spread the infection to others. Why is that? The period of infectiousness for someone with COVID-19 (i.e., the window of time when someone can infect others) starts Read more…

As we approach seasonal influenza season, how will I know if my symptoms are from the flu or covid-19? If I am not sure, what should I do?

Clinical Symptoms Staying Safe

A: Spoiler alert: It will be challenging. Many symptoms overlap between seasonal flu and COVID-19 which will unfortunately make it hard to know whether you have flu or COVID-19. For a thorough comparison of symptoms and other clinical characteristics of flu vs. COVID-19 see here. Symptoms common to both COVID-19 and flu include: -Fever or Read more…

Why do men suffer more severe COVID-19 and a higher risk of death? Do we know anything new?

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms

A: Women may mount a stronger T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 infection, according to a recent paper in Nature from the lab of immunologist Dr. Akiko Iwasaki. In the study, researchers collected blood, saliva and other samples from 17 men and 22 women aged 60+ admitted to the hospital after a positive COVID-19 test and Read more…

HELP! I’ve had COVID-19 and now I’m losing my hair! Are the two related?

Clinical Symptoms Mental Health

A. Frustratingly, yes. More and more COVID-19 survivors have reported excessive hair loss following infection. Although this complication may not rank up there with some of more serious consequences that have been reported among “long-haulers,” excessive hair loss is still pretty disconcerting. It also adds yet another source of distress, with impacts on morale and Read more…

Is it true that Covid-19 symptoms can last for months?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread

Introducing Nerdy Guest Michelle L. Frisco, PhD, who joins us to talk about “Covid long haulers”. Dr. Frisco is Associate Professor of Sociology & Demography at Penn State University. She studies population health. A: Yes. Some people who contract Covid-19 seem to deal with consistent or recurring symptoms for a long time. Q: How common Read more…

Will temperature checks actually work? What else can schools and businesses do to quickly scan for potentially infectious people?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Reopening School

A: There’s reason to be skeptical about temperature checks. COVID-19 is infectious for several days before symptoms appear. Scanning folks as they enter a building for a fever won’t do much to prevent people who are pre-symptomatic from entering and spewing infectious droplets all over the place. Gross. At this point, we need to embrace Read more…

Why are men more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID than women?

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids

A: Most likely due to biological sex differences in immune function, though other social and behavioral factors may contribute as well. Sadly, men are more likely be hospitalized, admitted to the ICU, and die from COVID-19 than women. This pattern first emerged in China and has been relatively consistent across countries, supporting the notion of Read more…

If someone in my household tests positive for COVID-19, how can I best care for them and keep the rest of my household safe?

Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Staying Safe Treatments

A: If someone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see link below for symptom list), or suspects they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should contact their health care provider to get a test or, if available, visit a community testing site to get tested for COVID-19. If COVID-19 is suspected based on symptoms Read more…