May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…