August 30, 2021
La Asociación Americana de Pediatría advierte contra el uso no autorizado 🚫 de vacunas 💉 Covid-19 en niños menores de 12 años.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
ITASCA, IL – La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) finalizó la aprobación total de la vacuna 💉 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 para mayores de 16 años. Si bien ahora pueden surgir preguntas sobre la administración de la vacuna para niños de 11 años o menos, que actualmente no tienen una vacuna disponible, la Academia Estadounidense de Read more…
August 30, 2021
Does hand sanitizer really kill bacteria and viruses?
Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. Hand sanitizers that contain 60-95% alcohol or 0.13% benzalkonium chlorides are effective in killing bacteria and destroying viruses when used properly. Washing hands with soap and water remains the best way to rid your hands of disease-causing germs. And there are a few germs that hand sanitizer will not kill. However, when there Read more…
ITASCA, IL – La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) finalizó la aprobación total de la vacuna 💉 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 para mayores de 16 años. Si bien ahora pueden surgir preguntas sobre la administración de la vacuna para niños de 11 años o menos, que actualmente no tienen una vacuna disponible, la Academia Estadounidense de Read more…
August 30, 2021
Does hand sanitizer really kill bacteria and viruses?
Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Yes. Hand sanitizers that contain 60-95% alcohol or 0.13% benzalkonium chlorides are effective in killing bacteria and destroying viruses when used properly. Washing hands with soap and water remains the best way to rid your hands of disease-causing germs. And there are a few germs that hand sanitizer will not kill. However, when there Read more…
A: Yes. Hand sanitizers that contain 60-95% alcohol or 0.13% benzalkonium chlorides are effective in killing bacteria and destroying viruses when used properly. Washing hands with soap and water remains the best way to rid your hands of disease-causing germs. And there are a few germs that hand sanitizer will not kill. However, when there Read more…