Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…