Do COVID-19 vaccinations work to prevent infections in nursing homes?
VaccinesAshley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! The mRNA vaccines REALLY work, even in this high risk population. A new study shows real-world success of mRNA vaccines in reducing infection among nursing home residents. People with multiple chronic illnesses and older people are often not included in clinical trials. It can be difficult to understand how medical treatments tested in Read more…
May 20, 2021
¿Necesito vacunarme contra COVID-19 si ya me he infectado con COVID-19? ¿No es mejor la inmunidad natural?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Las vacunas producen una respuesta de anticuerpos más fuerte y más consistente que una infección natural, lo que significa que TODOS pueden beneficiarse de la protección. ¡No rechace su vacuna! A medida que más personas se vuelven elegibles para la vacuna contra COVID-19 en los EE.UU., hemos escuchado que algunas personas que ya han Read more…
May 20, 2021
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
A: YES! The mRNA vaccines REALLY work, even in this high risk population. A new study shows real-world success of mRNA vaccines in reducing infection among nursing home residents. People with multiple chronic illnesses and older people are often not included in clinical trials. It can be difficult to understand how medical treatments tested in Read more…
¿Necesito vacunarme contra COVID-19 si ya me he infectado con COVID-19? ¿No es mejor la inmunidad natural?
Posts en Español VaccinesSandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Las vacunas producen una respuesta de anticuerpos más fuerte y más consistente que una infección natural, lo que significa que TODOS pueden beneficiarse de la protección. ¡No rechace su vacuna! A medida que más personas se vuelven elegibles para la vacuna contra COVID-19 en los EE.UU., hemos escuchado que algunas personas que ya han Read more…
May 20, 2021
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
R: Las vacunas producen una respuesta de anticuerpos más fuerte y más consistente que una infección natural, lo que significa que TODOS pueden beneficiarse de la protección. ¡No rechace su vacuna! A medida que más personas se vuelven elegibles para la vacuna contra COVID-19 en los EE.UU., hemos escuchado que algunas personas que ya han Read more…
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying SafeVerdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…