
Any more examples of pandemic heroes?


A: Yes! We love this story about cheesemakers and dairy farmers helping rural Wisconsinites get access to the COVID-19 vaccine in the name of reaching “curd” immunity! In rural communities, populations tend to be older and rates of co-morbidities that increase risk for severe COVID-19 tend to be higher. In addition, access to the internet Read more…

¿Qué funciona para el tratamiento de COVID-19 en personas que no están hospitalizadas?

Clinical Symptoms Posts en Español Treatments

R: En cuanto al tratamiento, lamentablemente todavía hay más preguntas que respuestas, pero repasemos la evidencia. En resumen, la combinación de bamlanivimab / etesevimab (️terapia de anticuerpos monoclonales) puede ser útil pero no está disponible fácilmente en EE.UU. o en el resto del mundo. La evidencia aún no está clara en relación con la ivermectina,, Read more…

Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People

Staying Safe Travel Vaccines

💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…

What do we know about treatment for people with COVID-19 infections who need to be hospitalized?


A: We are learning more and more as the pandemic continues, but there are still lots of questions. For now, remdesivir appears to help you feel better faster (but maybe doesn’t help people live longer), corticosteroids for really sick people definitely help people live longer but aren’t useful for people with mild symptoms, tocilizumab is Read more…