
If I already recovered from Covid-19 infection, can I be sure I won’t get it again or pass it to others?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread

A: No. Evidence on the longevity and strength of the immune system response to SARS-CoV-2 remains inconclusive. Previous infection does not give you an “immunity passport”. All individuals should continue to follow SMART precautions, particularly during the holiday season. Here is what we know to date. Antibody testing alone is an insufficient measure of immunity. Read more…

I love going for long walks with my dog. But, I heard that my dog can give me COVID-19! Is this true?

Infection and Spread Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Possible, but not likely (and remember, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus, COVID-19 is the disease in humans). So put on your mask, grab your hand sanitizer, and … keep walking your dog! Here’s the longer version. Over the past week, several news outlets have claimed that people who walk dogs are more likely to have Read more…

¿Cuál es la línea de tiempo desde la exposición del virus, a la diseminación viral, a mostrar síntomas?

Infection and Spread Posts en Español

P: ¿Cuál es la línea de tiempo desde la exposición del virus, a la diseminación viral, a mostrar síntomas?¿En qué momento la persona deja de contagiar? R: Esta línea de tiempo, la cual adaptamos de varias fuentes, visualiza el período de incubación y el período infeccioso (también llamado el período contagioso). También incluye la línea Read more…