
My husband is working at a place where everyone wears masks. I am higher risk & retired… Should he be sleeping in a separate room from me?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk of exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Socializing Staying Safe Videos

Drs. Grainger and Parkinson take your COVID questions! Today we tackled: ➡️ Intro + Halloween plans (:00 – 4:40) ➡️ Lightning round! (4:45 – 10:55) ➡️ Is it OK to have surgery? (11:00 – 16:30) ➡️ Hard truths re: Turkey Day (16:40 – 22:25) ➡️ Restaurants’ outdoor “dining domes” (22:30 – 27:39) ➡️ Risk-taking and Read more…

What’s the risk of transmission if I’m sharing indoor space with an infected person? What can I do to reduce my risk?

Infection and Spread

A: Because the virus can travel in small aerosols that accumulate indoors, transmission risk is strongly related to crowded, poorly ventilated rooms with loud talking and no masks for long durations of time. This means you can greatly reduce your risk by following the Nerdy Girls #StaySMART principles: SPACE – Keep your distance (more than Read more…

Does the new CDC guidance about avoiding 15 minutes cumulative contact mean with masks or without masks?

Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing

A: In the community setting, someone who meets the criteria for being a close contact to a case of COVID-19, meets the criteria REGARDLESS of whether or not they or the case had on a mask. Why is someone considered a close contact regardless of whether they had on a mask? While cloth masks are Read more…

¿Es seguro dar o recibir abrazos?

Families/Kids Posts en Español Staying Safe

R: Los abrazos traen muchos beneficios psicológicos y se pueden dar con un riesgo relativamente bajo.   Como puede adivinar las precauciones de la pandemia todavía aplican. Si planea dar abrazos, su “eSMART kit de herramientas” ayuda a maximizar los beneficios de los abrazos que incluye hormonas de felicidad y alivio de estrés mientras minimiza Read more…

¿Cómo ayudo a mis seres queridos a mantenerse seguros durante la pandemia?

Posts en Español Staying Safe

R. ¡Manténgase eSMART! Las científicas de Querida Pandemia estamos encantadas de asociarnos con la organización IMPACT (una coalición de médicos y profesionales de la salud en el estado de Illinois en EE.UU.) para ofrecer este infográfico que le ayudará a recordar 5 sencillas reglas para reducir el riesgo de transmisión de COVID-19: eS: Espacio – Read more…

What do we currently know about SARS-CoV-2 re-infection?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread

A: So far it seems that short-term re-infection with SARS-CoV-2 is possible, but (hopefully) rare. A key question from the beginning of the pandemic has been what is the duration of immunity for SARS-CoV-2. Viruses like measles can provide lifelong immunity, but immunity to seasonal coronaviruses has generally been short-lived (around 12 months). One challenge Read more…

I heard somewhere that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming deaths are due to COVID-19 and incorrectly increasing the case counts. Is that true?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: No. There is no evidence that healthcare professionals are inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases. Understanding the role of death certificates and how they are completed can help you get to the bottom of it. There has been increased circulation of a false claim that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 Read more…

¿Se han cancelado las celebraciones de Halloween?

Families/Kids Posts en Español Staying Safe

R: ¡No! La celebración de Halloween no se ha cancelado. Como muchas cosas, Halloween va a ser diferente este año, pero con un poco de creatividad si podremos celebrar de una manera segura. Afortunadamente, muchas de las tradiciones de Halloween en los EE.UU. son compatibles con los conceptos básicos de reducción de daños de COVID: Read more…

I can’t help but notice how well Maine is controlling COVID-19. What’s their secret? Rural state? Rich state? Not many older people?

Data and Metrics Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Nope to those three, but yes to leadership, preparation, testing & tracing, and calm, science-based communication. It’s true: Maine is doing very well by almost all metrics used to track the epidemic. While 21 states had their highest daily case counts in the last 3 weeks, Maine’s single day record cases happened way back Read more…