
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe

A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…

What’s up with this “programming error” in the Florida data on kids? How does this change things?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing

A: TL;DR Whether the positivity rate is 14% or 30% for kids, Florida still has a COVID problem. And with respect to the data error, we need to have a little understanding. Public health departments are trying to do something very difficult on shoestring budgets. Data collection in a crisis is messy and sometimes we Read more…