Who’s in your POD?

Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe

Your pod is made up of the people with whom you do not maintain social distance.

Think your significant other, housemates, children. For our healthcare workers and grocery teams working tirelessly, your pod is the people you interact with in the course of your duties. Here are some tips in pod management:

1) KEEP PODS SMALL – Large pods are difficult to contain and risk infecting other pods.

2) SET GROUND RULES – All pod members must abide to the same rules or they risk infecting their pod AND other pods.

3) CHOOSE WISELY – Your pod should be consistent over time. Consider who is essential to your pod to support essential tasks like caregiving and mental wellness.

4) WHEN TO ISOLATE – If one member of your pod tests positive or becomes symptomatic, the whole pod is considered infected and should isolate for 14 days.

Link to original FB post