Shelter-in-place orders are beginning to lift in my area. What activities are safe to resume?

Reopening Socializing Staying Safe

A: “The safest thing you can do, if you are able, is to stay at home.”

The rationale for reopening states varies with persistent health risks posed by Covid-19. With more options for social engagement, the next phase of the pandemic will require each of us to make choices on what to resume, how to modify past routines, and what to keep on hold. This article in The Atlantic summarizes risks associated with resuming activities we all miss, like haircuts, hugs, and summer traditions.

Some key points:

1) Physical distance, masks, and hand washing will remain important pillars of infection control for the foreseeable future.

2) Avoid crowded spaces, especially indoors.

3) Make the least risky choices when resuming activities.

4) Consider how your actions could affect the health and wellness of others when making choices.

5) If you don’t need to expand your network, it’s best to keep bubbles small.

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