What are the 14 days of Thanksgiving 2020?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: Today marks 14 days until Thanksgiving 2020, a holiday different from years past and Thanksgivings of the future.

With community spread rapidly increasing across much of the country, self-quarantine is an essential tool in decreasing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at holiday gatherings. If you plan to visit with people outside your home for Thanksgiving 2020, START YOUR SELF-QUARANTINE TODAY.

Self-quarantine is helpful for two reasons. It allows adequate time for infection to present if you were already exposed and limits new exposures you may encounter in the next 2 weeks that you could inadvertently share with loved ones.

Getting tested for SARS-CoV-2 is another useful tool to reduce spread, but has limitations. A negative test result means you did not have enough virus to detect on the day the test was administered. Testing can be paired with a two week self-isolation for improved safety, but is insufficient on its own to prevent the spread of infection.

Every effort you make to shrink your network over the next 14 days decreases the risk of post-Thanksgiving surges in your family and for others. Now is the time to stop all non-essential outings. This will help decrease community transmission as a whole while also decreasing infection risk at Thanksgiving gatherings. Continue to mask up, maintain distance, keep interactions short, and seek well-ventilated areas when you can’t eliminate interactions.

Many people simply can’t self-quarantine for two weeks. Planning inclusive and socially distant Thanksgiving 2020 festivities keeps all loved ones safe and connected. Alternative Thanksgiving plans that avoid prolonged indoor gathering and dining are preferred for Thanksgiving 2020. This is the year to get creative! Small outdoor activities, meal delivery, virtual celebrations, new traditions to express gratitude and thanks, community service.

We can’t wait to hear how our followers find safe ways to celebrate.

Additional Reading (and listening):

Previous Dear Pandemic Thanksgiving Planning Advice

Creating Safe, Healthy and Intentional Holidays with Laura Froyen on The Balanced Parent podcast

Thanksgiving Planning – Scientific American

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