A new study shows that 66% RSV vaccine coverage could avert over 982,000 outpatient (office and ER) visits, 102,000 hospitalizations, and 8,700 deaths in one RSV season in the U.S. alone.
We are really lucky to have the new RSV vaccines in our toolbelt for the first time to face this respiratory virus season. We’ve previously covered why older adults should be concerned about RSV, and the high level of protection the new RSV vaccines provide against severe disease. With millions of doses given out already this season, these vaccines have also proven to be very safe.
Despite this triumph of science, so far only 21% of Americans aged 60 and over [archived link] have gotten the new RSV vaccine. A recent study estimated how many outpatient visits, hospitalizations, and deaths could be avoided if RSV vaccination rates were similar to the flu, around 66% for older adults. Obviously, 100% take-up would be even better, but a take-up similar to the flu vaccine should be an attainable goal. This 66% vaccination coverage of adults aged 60 years or older in the U.S. could avert over 982,000 outpatient (office and ER) visits, 102,000 hospitalizations, and 8,700 deaths associated with RSV disease over one RSV season. The authors also estimated the cost-effectiveness of the vaccines through averted medical costs and lost productivity.

Source: Moghades et al, 2023, Clinical Infectious Diseases
Protection from the RSV vaccine is expected to last for at least two seasons based on clinical trials, but we will know more about the real-world durability as more time goes by. Until then, it’s not too late to get your shot if you haven’t already. Let’s work to get that coverage rate as high as possible to maximize those avoided hospitalizations and deaths!
Stay safe, stay well.
Those Nerdy Girls