Is COVID-19 99% survivable?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes- BUT those odds are not as good as they sound. Ask yourself- would you let your family board a plane if 1 out of 100 passengers were going to be thrown out of the plane mid-flight? We continue to hear the “99% survivable” argument as a reason not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Read more…
October 9, 2021
The world’s first malaria vaccine is huge without being perfect.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malaria is, in a word, awful. And there’s a lot of it. And the new vaccine for malaria is honestly meh. It’s safe, but its efficacy is nothing to sing about. That said, even a little improvement in malaria prevention multiplied by several hundred million people means a huge positive impact. The newly recommended vaccine Read more…
October 8, 2021
Should I get tested after X (fill in the blank)?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To test or not to test? When in doubt, test. If testing access is limited, prioritize testing after riskier activities and when you pose a high risk to others. Continue using SMARTS layers of protection on top of testing. Read on for the TL;DR on when testing adds the most value and how to Read more…
October 7, 2021
Can pregnant people get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: YES! In fact, the US CDC recently released a health advisory strongly encouraging pregnant people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness, death, and bad outcomes for the pregnancy. Pregnant persons who get COVID-19 are more likely to need ICU admission, need help breathing with machines and tubes, and even death. They Read more…
October 6, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Delta variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
October 5, 2021
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: Yes- BUT those odds are not as good as they sound. Ask yourself- would you let your family board a plane if 1 out of 100 passengers were going to be thrown out of the plane mid-flight? We continue to hear the “99% survivable” argument as a reason not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Read more…
The world’s first malaria vaccine is huge without being perfect.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malaria is, in a word, awful. And there’s a lot of it. And the new vaccine for malaria is honestly meh. It’s safe, but its efficacy is nothing to sing about. That said, even a little improvement in malaria prevention multiplied by several hundred million people means a huge positive impact. The newly recommended vaccine Read more…
October 8, 2021
Should I get tested after X (fill in the blank)?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To test or not to test? When in doubt, test. If testing access is limited, prioritize testing after riskier activities and when you pose a high risk to others. Continue using SMARTS layers of protection on top of testing. Read on for the TL;DR on when testing adds the most value and how to Read more…
October 7, 2021
Can pregnant people get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: YES! In fact, the US CDC recently released a health advisory strongly encouraging pregnant people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness, death, and bad outcomes for the pregnancy. Pregnant persons who get COVID-19 are more likely to need ICU admission, need help breathing with machines and tubes, and even death. They Read more…
October 6, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Delta variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
October 5, 2021
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
Malaria is, in a word, awful. And there’s a lot of it. And the new vaccine for malaria is honestly meh. It’s safe, but its efficacy is nothing to sing about. That said, even a little improvement in malaria prevention multiplied by several hundred million people means a huge positive impact. The newly recommended vaccine Read more…
Should I get tested after X (fill in the blank)?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To test or not to test? When in doubt, test. If testing access is limited, prioritize testing after riskier activities and when you pose a high risk to others. Continue using SMARTS layers of protection on top of testing. Read on for the TL;DR on when testing adds the most value and how to Read more…
October 7, 2021
Can pregnant people get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: YES! In fact, the US CDC recently released a health advisory strongly encouraging pregnant people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness, death, and bad outcomes for the pregnancy. Pregnant persons who get COVID-19 are more likely to need ICU admission, need help breathing with machines and tubes, and even death. They Read more…
October 6, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Delta variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
October 5, 2021
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A) To test or not to test? When in doubt, test. If testing access is limited, prioritize testing after riskier activities and when you pose a high risk to others. Continue using SMARTS layers of protection on top of testing. Read on for the TL;DR on when testing adds the most value and how to Read more…
Can pregnant people get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: YES! In fact, the US CDC recently released a health advisory strongly encouraging pregnant people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness, death, and bad outcomes for the pregnancy. Pregnant persons who get COVID-19 are more likely to need ICU admission, need help breathing with machines and tubes, and even death. They Read more…
October 6, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Delta variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
October 5, 2021
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: YES! In fact, the US CDC recently released a health advisory strongly encouraging pregnant people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness, death, and bad outcomes for the pregnancy. Pregnant persons who get COVID-19 are more likely to need ICU admission, need help breathing with machines and tubes, and even death. They Read more…
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Delta variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
October 5, 2021
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Delta is more transmissible, in part due to infected people shedding more virus from their nose and mouth. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Delta, it’s also a good idea to UPGRADE YOUR MASK when you are in higher Read more…
When can we expect a variant specific (i.e. Delta variant) booster shot?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
October 4, 2021
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: Variant specific boosters are currently being tested, but it’s not clear whether we need them just yet. Here is a run-down of ongoing trials: Pfizer/BioNTech has two Phase 2/3 trials ongoing, one with a booster designed to target the Beta variant (the one that emerged in South Africa in late 2020) and one that Read more…
Scientists recently did something pretty cool (okay, *Nerdy* cool).
Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
October 3, 2021
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
They put COVID-19 infected people in a room and measured how much virus was in the air under different conditions. ❓What did they find? TL;DR: ➡️ The more virus the person had in their nose, the more was in the room (shocker!) ➡️ HEPA FILTRATION reduced viral load in the air the most ➡️ Increased Read more…
U.S. Passes 700,000 Official COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
October 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
The U.S. passed a somber milestone this week of 700,000 official COVID-19 deaths. It is difficult to absorb that there are names, faces, and families behind each of these numbers. Today we remember 35-year-old Kimmie Pavone, a phlebotomist who had tried to get pregnant for 10 years. She delivered her baby at 30 weeks while Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Boosters Live Q&A
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
October 1, 2021
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
An all-new special Live Q&A at 9am Central Time Saturday, Oct 2! We’ll be talking ALL ABOUT BOOSTERS and answering your ❓’s about mix & match, ❓’s about timing, ❓’s about flu shots + COVID-19 boosters, ❓’s about boosters after you got COVID-19! So many ❓❓❓’s! ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-1:57) ➡️ Week in Review: Read more…
FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
October 1, 2021
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!!! FDA will review the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 on October 26!! On October 1st, the FDA announced that it “anticipates receiving a request from Pfizer to amend its emergency use authorization to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children 5 through 11 Read more…
Breaking news on the treatment front!
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
October 1, 2021
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
We Nerdy Girls are abuzz about the a-mazing clinical trial data reported out by Merck on its investigational antiviral pill. Here’s what we know so far: ➡️ Merck’s antiviral pill reduced by 50% the chances that newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients would be hospitalized over a 1-month period relative to placebo ➡️ No red flags raised Read more…
Can sleep boost my immune function?
Biology/Immunity General Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
September 30, 2021
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…
Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…