FLURONA? DELTACRON? Drink your own pee?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Nope. Nope. Nope. Phew…some weeks the COVID-19 myths are easier to slay than others. We’ll put these to rest very briefly. 💥FLURONA: While a person can be infected AT THE SAME TIME with both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, this is called a co-infection, not some new mutant virus that is the combination of both the Read more…
January 10, 2022
Welp, I have COVID. When can I stop worrying about giving it to other people?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: 10 days after you first felt sick or tested positive, assuming you’re feeling better by then. If you’re not better, consult your clinician about ending your isolation period. There have been lots of updates to these guidelines for the time periods around COVID-19 exposures and infections, and reading them can feel Read more…
January 8, 2022
Did you already answer a question about…?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Most likely YES! And you can search our past posts right here on our website! If you don’t find a past post answering your question, you can submit your question to us via our question box right here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered ~ 2000 questions on our Facebook pages (Dear Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 6, 2022
What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
A: Nope. Nope. Nope. Phew…some weeks the COVID-19 myths are easier to slay than others. We’ll put these to rest very briefly. 💥FLURONA: While a person can be infected AT THE SAME TIME with both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, this is called a co-infection, not some new mutant virus that is the combination of both the Read more…
Welp, I have COVID. When can I stop worrying about giving it to other people?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: 10 days after you first felt sick or tested positive, assuming you’re feeling better by then. If you’re not better, consult your clinician about ending your isolation period. There have been lots of updates to these guidelines for the time periods around COVID-19 exposures and infections, and reading them can feel Read more…
January 8, 2022
Did you already answer a question about…?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Most likely YES! And you can search our past posts right here on our website! If you don’t find a past post answering your question, you can submit your question to us via our question box right here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered ~ 2000 questions on our Facebook pages (Dear Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 6, 2022
What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
The short answer is: 10 days after you first felt sick or tested positive, assuming you’re feeling better by then. If you’re not better, consult your clinician about ending your isolation period. There have been lots of updates to these guidelines for the time periods around COVID-19 exposures and infections, and reading them can feel Read more…
Did you already answer a question about…?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Most likely YES! And you can search our past posts right here on our website! If you don’t find a past post answering your question, you can submit your question to us via our question box right here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered ~ 2000 questions on our Facebook pages (Dear Read more…
January 7, 2022
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 6, 2022
What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
A: Most likely YES! And you can search our past posts right here on our website! If you don’t find a past post answering your question, you can submit your question to us via our question box right here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered ~ 2000 questions on our Facebook pages (Dear Read more…
Update: The updated CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines are now also recommended for K-12 schools.
Families/Kids School Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
January 6, 2022
What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
These guidelines are not recommended for children in childcare settings where children cannot mask (babies, infants under 2). See our previous post for full details on updated guidelines for the general public. The Key Points: ➡️ Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should ISOLATE for 5 days, [archived link] then Read more…
What does it mean when hospitals are talking about “Crisis Standards of Care?”
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
January 5, 2022
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
A: As many places see a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals and resources become strained. Crisis standards of care represent a big change from usual healthcare made necessary by a major disaster. Crisis standards help guide decisions that must be made in extreme scarcity of resources (including staff, stuff, and space). Crisis standards of Read more…
The kids’ vaccine appointment is tomorrow, but the school just told us they were exposed.
Families/Kids Testing and Contact Tracing
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
January 4, 2022
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Can you vaccinate a child who has recently been exposed to COVID-19 but isn’t showing any symptoms? A: Although there is no medical reason to wait, there may be practical reasons–it depends on your situation. It’s safe for your child to go ahead, but you should also follow guidance about isolating to protect others. If Read more…
If everyone is going to get Omicron, what’s the point in avoiding it?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
January 3, 2022
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Can’t we just go back to normal now?! A: Not yet. Slowing the spread is still important. TL;DR: Delaying infections buys time for improved treatments, more vaccinations, and protects health care availability for all. We hear your frustrations. Tensions are high as Omicron screamed through our social networks and ruined a lot of holidays. We’ve Read more…
💥Breaking News – FDA Amends Pfizer EUA💥!!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
January 3, 2022
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
The FDA has amended the Pfizer emergency use authorization to: ❇️ Expand the use of booster doses to kids aged 12-15 years ❇️ Shorten the recommended time between second and booster dose to 5 months (instead of 6) in those aged 12 years and older ❇️ Allow kids 5-11 who have certain immunocompromising conditions to Read more…
What can I do for a school nurse today?
Families/Kids Women in STEM
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
January 2, 2022
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Escalating COVID-19 cases and changing guidelines fall directly on the shoulders of school nurses. School nurses maintain the preventative and daily health of millions of children and are key in navigating COVID-19 risk mitigation. Here’s a few ideas to help out these unbelievable professionals. Layer on the patience, kindness, and grace. This is the “Monday-est” Read more…
UPDATE on detecting Omicron with Rapid Antigen Tests:
COVID Variants Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
January 1, 2022
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Over the last few weeks, rapid tests have detected many COVID cases, but often not as early as we’d like them to. With a bit of biohacking, and careful interpretation of test results, rapid tests can still be a valuable tool, despite their imperfections. THE GOOD NEWS Most rapid tests (aka lateral flow assays) can Read more…
Happy, happy New Year to our Dear Pandemic community!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
December 31, 2021
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Our path through this pandemic may not be linear, but we’re staying right here with you to help absorb all the twists and turns. They say we often overestimate what we can get done in a day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. As we strain to see through this current Omicron Read more…
It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…