Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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How is COVID-19 related to the current protests, riots, and violence in American cities?

Social and Racial Justice

A: The disproportionate impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on communities of color together with the long arm of police brutality are causing fear, anger, loss, grief, and uncertainty. The Nerdy Girls want to reinforce the statement of the American Medical Association by reminding you that violence from law enforcement officers is a fundamental source Read more…

Nerdy Guest Dr. Michael Levy on CDC Reporting of COVID-19 Test Results

Data and Metrics

Today’s Nerdy Guest post is from Dr. Michael Levy, associate professor of epidemiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Levy studies disease ecology and control of vector-borne infectious disease. He likes bugs. Dr. Levy’s post addresses the CDC’s reporting of COVID-19 test results. He is quoted in this story. Read more…

How do I know what is going on in my county/state in order to calibrate my activities and risk as things open up?

Data and Metrics Reopening Staying Safe

A: “Covid Act Now” has put together a really useful website with COVID data and risk levels for all 50 states and 2100+ counties. They use four key indicators for gauging risk: 1) Is COVID spreading? Are cases and deaths increasing? 2) Are we testing enough? Is COVID testing widespread enough to identify new cases? Read more…

I heard you say on the Dear Pandemic NG Live that the new COVID-19 vaccine candidate from Moderna is a new type of vaccine. Can you explain that?

Biology/Immunity Vaccines

A: We recently heard reports from the pharmaceutical company Moderna that they had a successful early trial of a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. The way this vaccine candidate works is completely different from previous vaccines that you have likely had. It’s called an mRNA vaccine. In order to explain this, we’re going to take a deeper Read more…

A few weeks ago, everyone was talking about the “peak” of the epidemic. Now, not so much. Places are reopening and it feels like everything is going back to normal. Does this mean we’re past the peak?

Infection and Spread

A: A lot of modelers stopped talking about the peak of the epidemic as our thinking about how to do good longer-term outbreak control matured. It also became more and more clear to those of us who study epidemics that at least in some places, we are not able to zip up social distancing enough Read more…

I gotta go! And a public bathroom is the only option. How do I stay safe?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel

A(short): Public bathrooms aren’t exactly paragons of cleanliness and sanitization even in the best of times, and pose additional public health challenges during the pandemic. But you can reduce your risk by WASHING THE HECK OUT OF YOUR HANDS, wearing a mask, and avoiding touching surfaces as much as possible. And please don’t be scared, Read more…

What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe

A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…

What’s happening with our food supply?


A: The current pandemic has tested the limits of our interconnected yet fragile food supply chain. As a result of this virus and its associated lockdowns, trade restrictions, and closed borders, we are seeing lots of changes. * Grocery store prices are increasing, especially for meat and eggs. Remember, people are eating many more of Read more…

I keep seeing headlines reporting that CDC changed their guidelines regarding whether SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted via touching contaminated surfaces, is that true?

Infection and Spread

A: As highlighted in this NPR article, after CDC recently re-arranged some content on their website, there was confusion over whether contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus was still considered a possible mode of transmission. CDC has since provided an update clarifying that while person-to-person transmission via droplets continues to be considered the predominant way Read more…

Our neighborhood pool plans to reopen in a couple of weeks when our state eases lockdowns. Is the pool a risky place for COVID-19 transmission?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Staying Safe

A: You’re unlikely to get COVID-19 *from* the pool, but you could certainly be exposed *at* the pool. To clarify: Pool water is heavily chlorinated, and COVID-19 is not waterborne in any case. So, being immersed in the pool or otherwise exposed to pool water is not risky in and of itself. The problem, of Read more…

When can we reunite the grandparents and grandchildren?

Families/Kids Staying Safe

A: Slowly and safely, with a mutually agreed upon timeline and ground rules. Important efforts to protect grandparents, a higher risk group for Covid-19 complications, conflict with strong desires for intergenerational connections between grandparents and grandchildren. This is really hard on everyone! As shelter-in-place orders lift, here are some things to consider when making plans Read more…

What’s brought you hope this week?

Reopening Staying Safe

A: Food trucks! Pittsburgh Magazine’s recent article showcases scrappy food truck owners working hard to re-open *safely.* It’s a joy to see the amazing work ethic and bright minds of these small business owners innovating evidence-based ways forward. What’s in their secret sauce? (Please pardon the pun). Three key themes: (1) METRICS: The food truck Read more…