Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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How on earth are schools going to safely re-open in the Fall?! And please, for the love of God tell me schools can open in Fall?!

Reopening School

We know these questions are on everyone’s mind, and we have to be honest that this is still very much a “wait and see” question as the circumstances on the ground, as well as our knowledge of the science develop. The Nerdy Girls are very sympathetic to the huge educational and social costs of keeping Read more…

How does contact tracing work again? With states reopening, how is that component of the test-trace-isolate strategy going so far?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A. Well…there are challenges. Contact tracing is a tried and true public health measure that’s been successfully used to contain other infectious diseases (e.g measles, HIV, food poisoning outbreaks, etc). Indeed, the CDC has indicated that it is a necessary precursor for easing lockdown restrictions. The uploaded graphic illustrates the steps in the process. However, Read more…

How do I make sense of all of the treatments being tested in clinical trials?! I can’t keep up – anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, antibodies….OH MY.


A: What a confusing jumble! We Nerdy Girls like to keep the following phrase in mind: TREATMENT TIMING MATTERS. Different treatments target different points in the disease course, as helpfully demonstrated in these figures. Punchline: We’ll need an entire bag of treatment tricks to beat this devilishly nasty disease. A little more context: First we Read more…

I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?

Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…

Advice for College-Bound Students and Their Parents

School Staying Safe

Time for another Nerdy Guest! This post addresses questions college-bound students and their parents might have about health on campus. Teri Aronowitz, PhD, FNP-BC, FAAN is an Associate Professor at University of Massachusetts Boston & a Family Nurse Practitioner at Boston University Student Health Services. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of American Read more…

This Sunday, we wanted to answer a few questions and also give you a brief update on the news this week (pandemic related)!

Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

We also have a brief infographic for you that answers these questions. Read on if you want the full answers and links. And if you have time, test your COVID-19 knowledge and read a few great tips from therapists on how to cope during this pandemic. Quiz Therapy WHAT IF I KEEP TESTING POSITIVE FOR Read more…

A lot has changed over the past few months. Can you explain how the coronavirus (also known as SARS-Co-V-2) infects the body and how it can be stopped?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread

A: We love this brilliant series of illustrations on how the coronavirus takes hold in the body as well as potential drug and vaccine targets. Here is a quick summary of what you will see. -The virus enters cells through the ACE2 receptor and then replicates and breaks out—>Once it breaks out, it can either Read more…

How has the pandemic affected fathers?

Families/Kids Mental Health

Introducing Nerdy Guest Dr. Tova Walsh, PhD, MSW of UW-Madison School of Social Work. Dr. Walsh’s research focuses on improving health and wellbeing in families that are experiencing special stressors. Her work includes understanding the parenting support needs of new fathers and military-connected parents. A: Short answer: Like everyone else, dads have been through a Read more…

What have we learned about Covid-19 transmission in nursing homes that could be helpful in tailoring our approach to infection control across settings?

Infection and Spread

A: Broad testing and protective equipment are essential in containing Covid-19 spread and saving lives. Residents of nursing homes and the many professionals who provide care to older adults in nursing homes have been extremely hard hit by Covid-19. Once Covid-19 enters a nursing home, the shared living space can make it very difficult to Read more…

Why the heck are COVID-19 researchers so obsessed with cruise ships?

Infection and Spread Travel

A: Two words: SILENT INFECTION. Specifically, cruise ships that were out-to-sea during the emergence of the pandemic provided a unique setting to compute a complete count of people “at risk” of becoming infected and a complete count of people who ultimately become infected. These complete counts allowed scientists to calculate the presence of SILENT INFECTION Read more…