Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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What steps should families who want to visit relatives who are older and/or more vulnerable to complications of COVID-19 take to protect their loved ones?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel

A: We all miss our families (yes, us too!) and while navigating how to keep loved ones safe can feel overwhelming, the Nerdy Girls are here to help you make the best decisions possible based on the best information available! Luckily there are some key things (as highlighted in the NPR article below) you can Read more…

Is it true that Covid-19 symptoms can last for months?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread

Introducing Nerdy Guest Michelle L. Frisco, PhD, who joins us to talk about “Covid long haulers”. Dr. Frisco is Associate Professor of Sociology & Demography at Penn State University. She studies population health. A: Yes. Some people who contract Covid-19 seem to deal with consistent or recurring symptoms for a long time. Q: How common Read more…

Will temperature checks actually work? What else can schools and businesses do to quickly scan for potentially infectious people?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Reopening School

A: There’s reason to be skeptical about temperature checks. COVID-19 is infectious for several days before symptoms appear. Scanning folks as they enter a building for a fever won’t do much to prevent people who are pre-symptomatic from entering and spewing infectious droplets all over the place. Gross. At this point, we need to embrace Read more…

What is the real risk of death from COVID-19? Is it actually worse than the flu?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: It’s complicated…. but YES! As a demographer and epidemiologist, mortality rates are in my wheelhouse so to speak, but getting a handle on COVID-19 has challenged us all. First some definitions: Case Fatality Rate (CFR): % of confirmed cases who die. In the U.S., the estimated CFR is currently 4.33% In the U.K., the Read more…

How can it be that COVID-19 cases are increasing but deaths are decreasing in the U.S.?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Infection and Spread

A: Timing, timing, timing. And some other factors too. As this Vox article notes, “The sinking death rates reflect the state of the pandemic a month or more ago, experts say, when the original hot spots had been contained and other states had only just begun to open up restaurants and other businesses.” We have Read more…

What can I do to continue to help the children in my life cope with the realities of the pandemic?

Families/Kids Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Provide children with a sense of control. Keep them informed. Get them engaged. The basic rules: 1. Answer children’s questions in a developmentally appropriate manner (using stories or play is a great way to do this for younger children). 2. Stick to routine and schedule (this is harder to do so many months into Read more…


Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation

THE DATA (STILL) SUGGEST “NO” New data out of the Detroit area find that hospitalized COVID patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were less likely to die than those not receiving the drug. Sensational headlines ensued. The scientific community sighed in disappointment and frustration. Why? (1) Administration of HCQ was NOT RANDOMIZED (2) The HCQ and non-HCQ Read more…