
What does new evidence tell us about the risk of Covid-19 to pets?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread

A: Sadly, new evidence requires us to update our previous post about Covid-19 and pets.

New research identified cases of Covid-19 in dogs. More research is needed to fully understand the direction of transmission and risks to humans and animals. The new evidence suggests the following:

– Dogs, cats, lions, and tigers have shown evidence of infection with Covid-19.

– Among a study of 15 dogs, the virus appears to have passed from humans to 2 dogs.

– At present, there is no evidence demonstrating the virus passing from a dog to other humans or other dogs.

– Cats appear able to pass Covid-19 to other felines.

– It remains unclear how cats and dogs present with symptoms.


The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends people infected with Covid-19 take the following precautions when caring for pets:

– Wear a mask when providing care (feeding, walking, litter) and wash hands before and after

– Don’t share your people food

– Avoid pet snuggles until your symptoms resolve

Nature Article on Dogs Catching COVID

Link to original FB post