Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH, Founding Member, Contributing Writer
Emory University School of Nursing - Carter Center Global Mental Health Program
Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Aparna Kumar is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP-BC) who works to ensure that mental health care is accessible, evidence based, and integrated across health care settings. Her research aims to improve outcomes for women, children and families by showing how and why mental health influences many aspects of our lives. She is an Associate Clinical Professor at Emory University School of Nursing with a joint appointment with the Carter Center Global Mental Health Program. She received training from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, (BSN, MSN, PhD), The University of Malawi (MPH), and Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (MA). Kumar has had the privilege to live in sub-Saharan Africa for several years, which continues to shape her exploration of culture, diversity, and community as it impacts mental health care. Kumar currently lives outside of Philadelphia with her cats and people and loves to brew kombucha and make glitter jars in her free time.