Nerdy Girls in the News: Global Hangout on Misinformation

Uncertainty and Misinformation

New occasional series: Nerdy Girls in the News!

As part of our scientific day jobs, your faithful Nerdy Girl team has done 140+ media spots about the pandemic (and counting! :)). To honor the work of the terrific journalists we support – all of whom are dedicated #infodemic fighters – we’ve decided to start sharing out a few of the Nerdies’ notable news appearances.

First up: On a recent NBC panel, yours truly (Nerdy Girl Lindsey) provided tips about effectively surfing the COVID (mis)information waves. TL;DR:

(1) Remember that science is a METHOD, not a stable set of facts. Updating your beliefs as better evidence accrues is a marker of credibility.

(2) Uncertainty is hard on our brains, and can lead to poor decision-making. Be empathetic and non-judgmental.

(3) Trust your friends, but verify their information sources.

Fellow panelists were former COVID deniers who caught the disease with tragic consequences. All of them are now committed to spreading accurate information in the service of educating others.

Their stories are powerful, and they are brave for sharing them.

Link to video

Link to NBC article (w/embedded video)

Link to original FB post