Meet Those Nerdy Girls: Dr. Jennifer Wheeler

Women in STEM

In this post series, we’re introducing the women behind Dear Pandemic and TNG.

Today we are meeting Dr. Jennifer Wheeler!

Jennifer works on the Spanish language team at Querida Pandemia. She has a Ph.D. and a Master of Public Health in International Health and Development from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine as well as a BS in Biology from the University of Denver.

When she’s not volunteering, she works as a researcher at a non-profit international health organization. She’s also a runner and the mom of two teenagers.

Jennifer credits her wonderful parents for inspiring her to work in global health. They were Peace Corps volunteers who live and lead by example. She also grew up in Guatemala, where she saw firsthand the need for global health equality.

❇️ What do you miss the most from Life Before COVID?

Hugging. (I’m a hugger.) 🤗 I also miss NOT having to have awkward COVID conversations (e.g., “I won’t be able to come to the meeting this week because I am in isolation in a hotel room….”)

❇️ What is one thing you really do not miss from Life Before COVID?

Sitting in Doctor’s offices! I’ve really appreciated the innovations in telehealth for routine visits, or the “text us when you arrive” mechanisms that some practices have adopted.

And lipstick. I don’t miss lipstick. 💋

❇️ Thinking back over these last two years, what has been a turning point for you?

When international borders started closing down to international flights, my son and I were in different countries. That’s when the severity of this global pandemic and all its implications really hit close to home for the first time.

❇️ What is your superpower?

Being cheerful at 5 a.m. I’m definitely an early bird. 🌅 Although it’s my superpower, it is not appreciated by some people (namely, night owls and teenagers).

❇️ Do you have a hobby?

I’m a runner. 🏃‍♀️ I try to run 10K every day! (The operative word being “try”)

❇️ Fun fact about Jennifer: Although she had many pets growing up including horses, chickens, dogs, cats, rats, birds, snakes, iguanas, goats, and rabbits, now all she has is a houseplant.

❇️ What inspires you about your work at Dear Pandemic?

It is an absolute honor to join the DP/QP team. We’ve all spent the past two years trying to make sense of this novel virus and doing the best we can to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. I’m happy to be part of the team that brings DP’s quality scientific content to Hispanic audiences.

Thank you so much for your contributions to equality here and in so many other parts of your life, Jennifer!

Love, Those Nerdy Girls and all our readers.

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